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Smartest person here
Linn County Iowa
Had a 1/2 cord delivery today. Didn’t want to mess with the trailer, so got it all packed into my Tundra (5.5 ft bed). Had to put some in the extended cab, but still had room for the pup to ride along!


Supporting Member
Ross County
I burnt cherry for the 1st time in my stove last night. I wish we had more of these trees around here. I had one uproot 5 years ago in my place. The whole tree wont last a week but i enjoy the experience.

Cherry is horrible to cut though... let me tell ya, hard on the chains.


Supporting Member
Ross County
Easy splitting good smelling and pretty. I like it for cooking on but never come across big enough tree for firewood. Be great for camp fires and fireplaces. Hard winter windy night burns like this storm coming maybe not so much. Burn time isnt as good as the mighty hardwoods.

Yes, good smell and burns longer than most, however, cutting one good size cherry tree can melt (dull) a chainsaw chain and have to swap for another before you start on the next tree. Trust me, I keep plenty of fresh sharp chains nearby if I know I'll be runnin into a lot of cherry trees to cut up, and @theotherfarm and my place, we have plenty. I usually save the cherry trees to cut up last with my chains when I'm out clearing timber, just to finish them off before I have to sharpen them back up again. The cherry does smell better when sharping up chains, and usually cleans them up pretty good too, just prior to sharpening them.

Don't get me wrong, I love cherry!


Well-Known Member
Nw oh
@Wildlife did u burn all that shop wood you set out to cut the other day? My stove pipe has been a steady 600 degrees since 730am. Just eating it trying to keep up with conditions.


Supporting Member
Ross County
I'm good to go man!

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Although, I will be making another full run as soon as those warmer temps get here come next week.

These are the reasons why I do this pretty much, of course I do benefit from it also. All rescues except for one. The two smaller ones are 18yrs. old. Both may not make it to the new year. So, I'm spending as much time with them as I can at the moment. None are suffering in pain of any sort. just naturally going from being really old. They both have had an exceptional life. Some more tidbits for all you folks regarding my secret life 😉



Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina

Adding too the wood pile. Log was 58’ long. Buddy’s are coming over in the next couple weeks and we’ll split and stack it all. There’s a couple more trees down that need cut up as well. But where they’re located, we’ll have too cut in sections and haul out too cut and split.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Ouch Dustin.

With the back and neck screwed up, I paid a kid to load the dump truck today. I had already cut much of it to length. Hated standing there watching. I'm not very good at it. Given the numbness in my left arm and fact I was in the ER for it a couple nights ago. . . Thanks kid. Here is your cash. Lol