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Team 1 - Full Penetration


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I won't be out until probably next Thursday at the earliest. Working next weekend too so I'm spotty for awhile. Vacation from mid Oct through early Nov so it will get serious then.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I saw four doe and a young 100'er this morning. Also saw wood ducks, hawks, herron, squirrels, and a bunch of carp fooling around in the creek. I've never been a bowfisherman, but I was mighty tempted to shoot one of the carp as they were sticking their heads out of the water a good bit. I switched that stand around a little bit to accomodate my son a little better. We are going back in there tonight, gonna have to hang a stand on the backside of the tree for me, but still I like his chances!

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thanks, we had a great hunt! We wound up seeing 9 doe and one buck. He was a dandy 8, somewhere between 125 and 130 I'm guessing. Mason did not have any shots, but we had a great time watching them for at least 45 minutes. We also had a couple of wood ducks paddle by, saw them coming from 200+yards downstream. And as this morning, the leaping carp made it interesting until the deer showed up. This new stand location is like money in the bank. I have hunted this area for 17 years and have never seen more deer on opening day. In this agricultural area, with thousands of acres of standing crops still on, it is difficult to find a deer before harvest. It was just really nice to watch undisturbed deer all evening. BTW, two of the does stayed IN the creek for more than a half hour just playing and feeding on bankside vegitation...really neat!

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Here are a couple of pics from the stand. Not only is it a good spot, it's scenic too!


  • Washington-20120930-00405.jpg
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  • Union-20120930-00404 (1).jpg
    Union-20120930-00404 (1).jpg
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Junior Member
Awesome set Brock! Sounds like your off to a good start. Seeing deer is half the battle! Haha! Good luck!

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
So who is going to be the replacement?

BTW, went hunting this morning. Did not see a deer. I did pick out a tree in the white oaks that I can slip in with a climber. I may hunt there this evening. Moved a camera over there too.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Checked another farm where I had a stand last year. Had a couple of dandies in there. I think one of 'em is still around but I haven't put out a cam there since last year. Cleaned an entrance to my stand, checked it out and am ready to hunt it tomorrow morning. I'm going to the oaks tonight, hoping that 8 we saw the other night doesn't show. He's really close to my "minimum", and I don't think I want to use a tag just yet...but I bet I will if he shows up!:)

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Saw two wood ducks and a squirrel. Can't believe I hunted morning and night and saw NOTHING!
Same here, saw a bunch of squirrels, a hawk tried to puck off a cardinal, smoked a groundhog and danced with a skunk on the way out, not one deer thus far this season while on stand grrrrr

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I slept in today. I have too much to do today. Today is a wasted day, wasted on working. Anyway, hope your luck changes soon!

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I'm blaming last night's low activity on one of two things. 1 - I was just in the wrong spot on the wrong day. I don't think they are moving very far right now. 2. A neighboring farmer was harvesting a corn field. Years ago I always hoped the noise from harvest would get deer moving in my direction. After years of hunting these ag areas, I've concluded they will just lock down where they are. Heck, when the combine would come closest to my stand (1/2 mile) even the squirrel would stand on his hind legs and watch intently. I know they don't leave the country, I think they just hunker down. Just my un-provable opinion.