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Team #2 - Buck Naked

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Hickslawn texted me yesterday...a little hard to understand since he was in the tree, but I think good things are coming out of his trip South...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Things are okay but not great. thought I had a doe down. Couldn't find my arrow or any blood. Found my arrow this morning. Arrow was broken, broadhead was bent. It became apparent very quickly that I hit a limb. I am just thankful I didn't wound her or not find her. Coyotes were going nuts last night before I even left the stand. I would hate to recover a coyote scavenged deer. Sucks to hit a limb, but better than putting a bad shot on her.


Senior Member
I just made it back from the south. 4 hunters, lots of deer sightings (except me). My buddy Ron got a doe. I saw one doe all weekend long at 40 yards broadside. I'm only good for 15 yards with my recurve. Back at it next weekend.


Junior Member
well opening day had 8 doe walk up on me two of which were sittin ten yards to the right of me that had no idea i was there and i had no idea they were there, till my chair squeeked a lil spooked them, called in a group of 6 with the fawn distress on my buck collector call, they made it just to a thick brush tree type deal and ran, nothing after that the rest of the day......today, nothing in the morning at all, evening seen two, then my buddy shot at one hit a limb and broadhead went through the ear, shot at another one in that group, no arrow found nor any blood, guessin the shot was low and arrow is burried in the ground, also the broadhead that pierced the ear stuck into a tree, pulled it out, still alright to use, and its a nap blood-runner 3 blade


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Okay. Found some cell service. So far, one dead limb/arrow/broad head. Unscathed doe. Fast forward to last night, and I had a shot at 25yds on another doe. Hit was high, minimal blood, but all blood was bright red. Backed out til morning. Found some more blood, but just a couple drops. Did small grid search, and failed. I think I hit the top of offside lung only. I am sick about it. Last thing I want as a sportsman is to injure one or not recover one. I did not hunt this morning. Looked for doe, did some studying of maps, and shot my bow. I am touching arrows out to 30yds. Only thing I can figure is the one tree limb between us possibly deflected the arrow a little high or I did not bend at the waste from the tree stand. Wish me luck tonight! I will be hunting rolling pasture land with a food plot on the property line. Oak tree stand where you need two straps to hook your harness to the tree. Behind the stand is thousands of acres of State land and Mead paper land. It screams of big bucks! Oh, and I did pass on a 130" 8pt last night. He was one of 6 bucks I saw last night. All others were baby bucks.

Sent from my BlackBerry 9630 using Tapatalk


Dignitary Member
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Back in town for a few more hours. Heading out to a show to sell tree stands as soon as I finish my laundry and take the family out to dinner. I will work on posting some pictures and throwing some points on the board for us. I did end up tagging a doe. Beautiful shot, easy tracking job, hellish drag to get her out. Donated to the FHFH organization. I think we should be getting bonus points for donating one. Maybe next year I will suggest it in the rule making process.


Senior Member
Way to go Phil. I donated one last year and received a little pin for it like the fish ohio pins. I guess my pin collection began last year so I'll need to add to it this year.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Finally home from the show and catching up with TOO. Got my story posted and pictures to get our points on the board. We are started now, so let's keep rolling! I still think Josh's Legend's buck should count for us! They are just jealous 1hornwilly! ahahaha

Not looking good for the rest of the week for this guy. I got back in tonight, and now my wife is at work. She is taking my Mom to NC to visit my aunt in the hospital tomorrow. That will rule out several days of hunting, and when she returns she will work 3 more nights in a row. Might have to pay a babysitter to watch the kids one night this weekend just so I can hunt, but don't feel right about that given how much I have been gone lately. Never fear fellas, I will come back with a vengeance once things settle down for me. Haven't even started to hunt my local area yet. Maybe a mid week/midday adventure will find some worthy trail camera pics while the kids are in school and I am "working". lol

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
We're a quiet group!

The good news is that 13 days fro now I'll be sitting in my tree stand...ahhh a wonderful 4 days of hunting with limited other distractions and commitments. I have been shooting my bow about once a week and will bump that up to twice a week in preparation of getting back into it (down from 3 times a week May-Aug). I can't begin to talk about how my confidence and ability has increased since last year. Shot a group at 20 last night that had all of the fletchings touching and am very good out to 30 yards, ground or elevated.

Pumped doesn't begin to describe it!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sweet! Good luck Huck!

Looks like Monday evening is going to be my next opportunity to get in the stand. Erin is back in town, but working Fri-Sat-Sun. Going to be helping my Mother this weekend as she is the coordinator for the Octoberfest festivities at our church this weekend. Oh well. Nothing wrong with getting caught up on work and preventing burn out.


Senior Member
I'm headed to the grocery store in a minute for some camp supplies. Camp attendance looks like 5 this weekend. The ice blocks are already made. I just might have to pack my shorts. I've only killed one deer in shorts so maybe I'll get another chance this weekend.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Good luck my Florida Brethren! Lay one low! BTW Josh since you have broken in the .257 you can send it my way ;)


*Supporting Member III*
Deerburger and I got the old skunkaroo again. We seem to only be able to hunt when the deer want to lay in the woods and eat acorns. Huge storms this weekend knocked just about every acorn off every oak in the woods...back at it again later. Either way it was an awesome morning.