I am seeing does back with their fawns. Seeing the same groups I watched in the early season. Hard to believe they have all been bred. I guess when there aren't many, it doesn't take long.
Had 2 deer come out south of me. Long way south and on property I don't have permission to hunt. 10 min of light left and I had 5 does come out (2 does and 3 of this years fawns). They were right under a stand to my north several hundred yards. Had I been sitting there I am not sure they would have come out. They would have had to come from down wind of me. I was expecting deer to come out of the woods south of my stand tonight but they never came. Probably a result of the douche canoe wandering around with a crossbow. If it is who I think it was, he doesn't have permission to be where he was. Heck, I don't think he even has permission to carry a weapon at the moment.