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TOO Projects Thread


Staff member
I'm looking to build a pantry to replace some horribly designed cabinetry in my kitchen. Anyone here have really well designed, functional pantries (not an actual closet style, cabinet style) that they'd care sharing pics of to help with the design phase.

Also, I am adding a workshop in my garage. Suggestions on storage and design is highly welcome here as well.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
I will take pics of shelving made of 2x's that work great for totes and wastes no wood.

Plenty of great pantry ideas available on line. I made mine out of melamine. I needed one as I have a small galley kitchen. I plan to redo my whole kitchen and dining area to make it larger. Down the road thing...


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Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
I think OhioSam made up one of these a while back. Just finished one for the Curran family. Now I need to transfer the past 8 years worth of hash marks over to the new measuring stick. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1393031880.683710.jpg


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
Thats a good idea shaun, I wish I would have done that. I love it when my kids want me to get the tape out and see how tall they are..."See Dad, I'm a big boy". LOL


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
My wife found a vinyl sticker kit through Pinterest for the markings so all you have to do is measure it out and then stuck them on. Easy peasy. Once the kids are grown I'll put a coat or two of poly over top to seal it all up.


Senior Member
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Central Ohio
Here's another little project I just finished up. Took an existing shelf we had, cut some wainscot to width and added some length, attached a piece of wood at the bottom, bought new hardware hangers, and the extendable laundry rack. Pieced it all together, primed and two top coats to finish it up. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1395190831.690949.jpg


Senior Member
Looks good Sean.

I am building some target stands for my son and I. I was at the local range over the weekend and noticed the new owner was doing his best to fix the place up and was in need of some stands also so I hit him up to buy some. He is having me build him four to try out and if they work good is gonna have me build him some more. Here's how they turned out. They are 4' high and 2' wide. Nice and sturdy because I lag bolted them together.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Today was busy as hell but really good. Before winter hit I started replacing windows in the house, got the worse two done before snow was flying. With winter being so hard there was no way I was tearing out windows.

So today got three more replaced. That only leaves two on the west side of the house which is definitely the prevailing wind side. That feels good to have those done.

The wife and I have been going round and round on our front porch the past few years and not really sure what we wanted to do. Well we made a decision. Here is a before picture of the porch.

Decided to tear out all the surround and just go with a open porch with the post. Got it all tore out and then pressure washed the porch to prep for painting and also got one of the posts wrapped in aluminum.

Also got to shoot the shotgun and get a little more familiar with my new toy. Beer 30 now.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Good stuff Steve!! Always nice to see progress isn't it?

Yes it is Sean! Ordering three to four more windows tomorrow, the double window on the front porch may become one big picture window. Just all depends on how it prices out. That will make 8 out of 21 windows replaced.

The wife and I are also talking about what color of siding we want to get. Probably won't happen till next summer once all the windows are done, but its always good to start picturing things.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Ripped a couple pallets down and built a raised bed for the garden to be, and a compost bin.



Put hinges on the top to dump house hold compost material and yard wast in, and the door on the front will let me get in and turn it over.

Still have some boards left so I'm gonna build a backboard to mount a rack from my great grandpa, my grandpa, and myself.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Took another pallet and turned it into a shoe rack for the garage. Sanded down the faces and edges of the exposed boards so the kids wouldn't get splinters. Stained them just because. Helped clear up the clutter from off the floor.


Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Damn Hoyt...hosta's my friend, hosta's...grow like weeds, won't get taller than the cement, require no care. Don't make your palace look like some house I see driving up 71 that has zero landscaping...geesh! haha Windows are pretty pricey, my parents did a few every year for 4 years and got 'em all done.


That compost box looks like a nice pinterest project.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Hey Huck, just a reminder its only April 13th. The tulips haven't even bloomed yet.

There are plenty of hostas in those beds, and tulips and all kinds of flowers