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TOO Projects Thread


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Well, I’ve been keeping myself pretty busy with this retirement gig. We’re also hosting a wedding shower here in a few weeks so I’ve kinda been under the gun as well. The first big project was to expand our backyard patio another 932 sq ft to make more room for entertaining. So we worked on a design then had a friend who pours patios quote us a bid to do the work. Once that was completed we moved onto phase two, gazebo build. As I mentioned earlier in this thread we bought an 12’x14’ Yardistry Gazebo somewhat like Kevin’s but alittle different. It’s has 4 roof panels versus the 2 large ones like his has. He was so right about the directions, WOW….some were very vague and hard to read off the diagrams but I muddled through it. I assembled everything myself but had to have my neighbor help me standup the frame and level and square it and a few weeks later my future sons in-laws help me hoist up the roof panels and bolt them together and realign, square and level everything once it was assembled and tightened up. Rick, Xbowguy was also a big help in coming up with the solution I needed to compensate the 2” grade from the high side of patio to the low side. After much thought he suggested cutting off 2” on the corner post on the high side INSTEAD of adding 2” on the low end. It proved to be less work and the best way without compromising the integrity of the anchoring brackets. We also discovered I needed to flip flop the corners before going any further which I did right after Rick and Maxx headed home that day. I then anchored it down using 16 3” wedge anchors(4 per post) using a hammer drill. My neighbor last week came over a couple nights and we ran conduit, wire, switch and boxes for outlets and a ceiling fan. I’ve painted most of the conduit black so far before installing but still have a few little areas that need painted yet. The 60” outdoor fan is on order as well as some string lights which are the next two things I’ll be installing after they arrive. For now, here is where it stands but I’ll continue to to share more updates on this project as things get done. I also have a new smoker on order and I also plan on building a mini bar/ cooking station under this thing when I get around to it. Picture heavy, lol


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Looks fantastic! Sounds like I better never retire. It sounds like it cost more money than when you are working and can't get to these projects. lol


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Thanks guys

Nothing is cheap nowadays and it’s only going to get more expensive. Went bigger on the pour just because we were afraid we’d wish we did afterwards plus the cost per sq ft dropped a decent amount. We also saved $500 on the gazebo due to the sale at the time. There was talk we might dig a small pool eventually but the cost of those are really stupid crazy high so that wouldn’t probably happen. Hanging the gutters, guards and running the electric myself with some help also kept cost at minimum but materials are higher now. All in all, we’re very happy with our project and it’s something we’ll enjoy and use plus it’ll add value to our place. Sorry for the all the pictures just tried to share the process from start to present.👍🏻


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
The other not so small task I did over the past few months was haul, sling, spread 13 yards of top soil using a square bladed shovel all around our small side and front yards and sow grass. Over the 18 years we’ve been here some TS has run off and tree roots have surfaced making it rough to mow. Stirring up dust also got old. While working I never had time to water anything so now that I do I figured I’d might as well revitalize our yards as well. We did have a $90 water bill one month though. 😳


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Ric... Fantastic job... Got tired just reading about it... First pic has a pool in drawing... My advice... Don't do it... ALOT OF WORK... I'm thinking of filling mine in next year... It never gets used and takes $$$$ and time to maintain.... AGAIN GREAT JOB...