I think I'm gonna join this thread for a new found motivation. I live for the gym...it became one of my passions as early as 8th grade. I turn 30 next month and plan to make my 30 the best year of my life, especially in the gym. Jesse and I have been working out for a few months together and I've seen him transform with his routine. Next month starts my routine.At 6'1" and 250lbs id like to continue shedding "fat" and gaining strength. My goal is to lose 15-25lbs and still eclipse the 400lb bench mark, which is currently at 375lbs. I also plan on getting jesse to that 300lbs milestone. (Equivalent to OBB of hunting) goodluck to all and time to get after it!
You'd be one scary dude if you cut 15-25lbs! Good luck, man!