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TOO Weight Loss - Biggest Loser Edition


Staff member
A quick update...

I'm hovering around 210 these days which is a little heavier than I'd like to be, but with the new workout, weight loss is not going to happen. My muscular development has taken off in the past 6 weeks with the change in workouts and addition of protein supplements. I attempted 295 on bench Friday and just about did it on my own. I should be able to put up 300 by the end of the month. For someone who hasn't seen me in person in 18-24 months, I look completely different and that's a good feeling!


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
Good luck Jesse!

Glad you brought this thread up cause I have got to jump on the "get fit" train cause I am heading in the wrong direction...

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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sounds good Jesse! Look forward to seeing you next weekend at the Expo. I think it was the first BEC shoot or the Expo year before last since I have seen you. Going to be interesting. I won't miss you if you are sitting with Joe though. He ought to be sitting there with a big grin on his face after this weekend!


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Well, I've been stuck at around 117lbs lost for about a month or more. I had LASIKs done about 4 weeks ago and had to take 2 weeks off of exercising to allow for healing of my eyes, however, I took 3.5 weeks off so I'm sure that has something to do with me stalling.

Anyhow, I started P90X tonight. I would love to be able to lose 40lbs in the next 90 days to hit my goal, but I doubt that happens, but I'd definitely be happy with losing 20lbs at a minimum.

I've been eating low carb and have been considering switching to a Paleo lifestyle with would allow me to eat more seasonal fruits in addition to living a low carb life.

Booking a vacation on Sunday for March of 2013 and this has remotivated me to get in "shirtless shape" - meaning I'm fully comfortable not wearing a shirt in public (pool, ocean, yard work, etc).

How's everyone else doing?


Senior Member
Supporting Member
South East Ohio
A quick update...

I'm hovering around 210 these days which is a little heavier than I'd like to be, but with the new workout, weight loss is not going to happen. My muscular development has taken off in the past 6 weeks with the change in workouts and addition of protein supplements. I attempted 295 on bench Friday and just about did it on my own. I should be able to put up 300 by the end of the month. For someone who hasn't seen me in person in 18-24 months, I look completely different and that's a good feeling!

That is awesome Jesse, anyone who can bench more than their body weight is definitely way above average.... Where are you lifting at? I would like to get with you and Jamie and throw some iron around.


Staff member
That is awesome Jesse, anyone who can bench more than their body weight is definitely way above average.... Where are you lifting at? I would like to get with you and Jamie and throw some iron around.

I have a membership at AnyTime down in Belpre. Jamie does as well, so we typically lift together when our schedules allow for it. Not much eye candy down there, but its not loaded with douche bag muscle heads either. Makes for a nice place to workout...


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
I just sstarted abck up last week. Got the soreness out of the way, and went at it pretty heavy on sat. Feels good to be back in the gym. Wish I hada prtner though, it makes a world of difference. Time to start blowing money on supplements again hahahaha


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Well the wife in a round about way told me last night that I am getting to fat. I know this has been coming and just wasn't sure how I wanted to go about losing this. Any ideas on a workout regiment would be helpful. I don't need to lose a lot of weight, if I lost 20-30 lb. I would be in great shape.


Staff member
Well the wife in a round about way told me last night that I am getting to fat. I know this has been coming and just wasn't sure how I wanted to go about losing this. Any ideas on a workout regiment would be helpful. I don't need to lose a lot of weight, if I lost 20-30 lb. I would be in great shape.

I can email you my old workout routine if you would like Steve. I like to do a full body, circuit training type of workout and that's how I lost most of my weight. I spent 3 days a week in the gym doing 15-20 minutes of cardio to start things off; then I would do 10 minutes of ab workouts; then on to my full body workout. Everything was 2 sets of 12 and I pushed through it as fast as I could so I could keep the heart rate up. It would take me just over an hour to do everything and I felt great afterwards. As far as diet goes, I cut out pop and did my best to stop over eating. I'm no fitness expert, but my routine was effective...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
The only problem I see with that Jesse is I don't have the equipment to work out with. Plus my.gut is telling me as I start working.out it is going to bring up a old shoulder injury. As much as I want to be able to done my muscles I think it is going to have to be more carrion than anything at this point.


Staff member
I have a set of Perfect Push-Ups and a Power Tower. I'll snap some pics and throw out an offer if you are interested. Largely unused. Let me know what you think.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Well it started today. I figured since I don't have a membership to a gym and don't have any workout equipment at home I would start by just doing.some running. I ran right at 1.3 miles in 9:07. Not to shabby someone who hasn't ran a lick in the past 3 years. I have been laughing and hacking all night like I've smoked a pack a day for 10 years and I haven't touch a cigarette in over 8 years.

My weight starting out is 180 even. I don't have a partner to push me like I would like to have so I am depending on you guys to hold me accountable.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Well the wife in a round about way told me last night that I am getting to fat. I know this has been coming and just wasn't sure how I wanted to go about losing this. Any ideas on a workout regiment would be helpful. I don't need to lose a lot of weight, if I lost 20-30 lb. I would be in great shape.

Step one... Go see an ENT and have him cut your tonsils out. Step two... Oh wait, there is no step two. :)

I have a set of Perfect Push-Ups and a Power Tower. I'll snap some pics and throw out an offer if you are interested. Largely unused. Let me know what you think.

Push ups and pull ups are fairly low impact and extremely effective, Steve. If I were you, I would seriously consider Jesse's offer. Workout regimens like P90X and Insanity will kick your ass into shape, and you really don't need any weights or fancy equipment.

Well it started today. I figured since I don't have a membership to a gym and don't have any workout equipment at home I would start by just doing.some running. I ran right at 1.3 miles in 9:07. Not to shabby someone who hasn't ran a lick in the past 3 years. I have been laughing and hacking all night like I've smoked a pack a day for 10 years and I haven't touch a cigarette in over 8 years.

My weight starting out is 180 even. I don't have a partner to push me like I would like to have so I am depending on you guys to hold me accountable.

Not bad at all, buddy. Keep up the good work!

After a few weeks hiatus from working out, I started back up on day one of P90X this past Monday. Talk about fuggin humbling. I knew that the tonsillectomy took a lot out of me, but I had no idea it was this bad. Day one was Chest and Back, and I literally was struggling so bad I thought I was going to pass out a few times. Plyometrics yesterday was not much better, and today I can hardly walk. lol Before the surgery, I was three weeks into it and feeling like a hero... Now it's a totally different ball game. It's like I went two steps forward and then took ten steps backward. I was down to a 3 year low of 177 pounds when I went back to work, which for me is "bean pole" status because I'm 6'1''. Today I'm back up to 183. 185-190 is pretty much my wheelhouse... I'll probably be back to that by next week and hopefully start gaining my strength back. BTW, it's true what they say... Getting old does indeed suck.


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I completed week 1 of P90X this morning - actually I should say i started week 2 this morning. I did notice that Chest and Back was easier today than it was last week. Tomorrow is Plyometrics which I couldn't complete last week because I felt exhausted and had just eaten. Hoping to finish it tomorrow.

I think i am going to fill some milk and detergent bottles with sand as my 20# dumbbells are too light and I don't like using the resistance bands.

Anyhow, just hoping I can get over this plateau.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I completed week 1 of P90X this morning - actually I should say i started week 2 this morning. I did notice that Chest and Back was easier today than it was last week. Tomorrow is Plyometrics which I couldn't complete last week because I felt exhausted and had just eaten. Hoping to finish it tomorrow.

I think i am going to fill some milk and detergent bottles with sand as my 20# dumbbells are too light and I don't like using the resistance bands.

Anyhow, just hoping I can get over this plateau.

It was the same for me when I first started, JJ. By the time week 3 came around the soreness and exhaustion wasn't as much of an issue. Plyometrics is an absolute ass-kicker. In the DVD, Tony says don't eat at least an hour before plyometrics... He should have said at least 4 hours, I think. How do you like Kenpo? I thought Kenpo was really fun.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Jim, I did the tonsilectomy thing when I was 12, so that isn't the issue. I am pretty sure it is just my body saying you waited to long to start this up. I want to do P90X just wish there was someone willing to share. (wink,wink)


Staff member
I haven't forgot about you Steve, I'll get those pics up tomorrow. Been a crazy week of work...

I attempted 300 yesterday and was 'oh so close at making it happened. I stalled out at about 90% press and had to have help. Another two weeks or so and I should be able to knock it out. I was able to do 3 sets of 8 on decline dumbbell press with 60, 70, and 80 pounders yesterday which is a drastic improvement over a few months ago. I'm seeing the impact on my arms and shoulders, but I have got to lose some of this gut!!!


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It was the same for me when I first started, JJ. By the time week 3 came around the soreness and exhaustion wasn't as much of an issue. Plyometrics is an absolute ass-kicker. In the DVD, Tony says don't eat at least an hour before plyometrics... He should have said at least 4 hours, I think. How do you like Kenpo? I thought Kenpo was really fun.

Yeah, I ate and then an hour later did the Plyo. I still had problems of nausea.

In Jr. High I took Kenpo for a year or longer so I really enjoy Kenpo X. 90% of the moves were familiar and came back to me as soon as I saw Tony do them.

I did skip Yoga X because I heard it was 90 minutes long and didn't feel like doing it. I shouldn't have skipped it and will definitely do it this week. Also, yesterday was my rest day. I went for 30 minute jog instead. I think on the resistance training days I am going to incorporate a cardio jog of 15-20 minutes into those days. I still enjoy running and want to make sure I continue to increase my joggin cardio.

Which brings up another point - I think there are two types of cardio - a sustained movement cardio and short burst cardio. If we were to run a 5k I would probably impress you with my cardio for being the size that I am, however, I found out that my endurance cardio isn't translating well to the sustained-short burst cardio of P90X.
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