Bide riding is not good on ur nuts though...
Dont know how many of you have undiagnosed sleep apnea, but getting that problem fixed is an easy way to cut 10-15 lbs. If you snore and are over weight, chances are good you have obstructive sleep apnea. Go to your doc, get a sleep study set up and see wha tthe results are. Not only is sleep apnea bad for your weight, it is terrible for your heart. Oftne times people over look the simple things. Getting a cpap machine for nighttime use can dramatically help your overall moral and health.
When I was racing compeptively nationally I had a personal trainer. I went to the gym 3 days a week and ran everyday. I ate like a horse, although when you brun a lot of calories, you can eat about as much as you want, like TF said. At this stage in the game my knees and ankles are junk, so running is just flat out painful. THe new craze is bicyles. I am purchasing a new bike for the summer. I am gonna buy a Scott speedster, its a roadbike. In the summer I ride 30 miles 3 or 4 times a week. Bicyles are great form of exercise, and easy on your joints. Although, you have to push, you cant just coast every where!
Bride riding is though..
Just finished BL on the wii. That manly bitch kicked my ass again, but I still finished. I seriously may puke soon - of course the big dip I put in immediately after my workout probably isn't helping. I figured out this evening what is killing me (besides being obese), it's the fucking yoga they work into the routine. Yoga wasn't meant for fat guys, especially those of my stature. Yoga was meant for skinny soccer moms who drink ice capps and drive small sporty SUVs. Fugg yoga.
Btw, down 8 lbs as of this am (which is my pre-Christmas break weight)
This whole post is hilarious. thanks for sharing JJ. I am rooting for you. You have a lovely wife and great kids as a motivation factor for you. I may be a scrawny puke, but I am actually thinking about getting in a bit better cardio shape as well. My Dad had a quadruple bypass at 59 and I don't want to be in those shoes. The heart is a muscle. Work it and it gets stronger. Don't work it and it allow your cardio to lax or your weight to take a toll and you are definitely not doing your heart any favors whenever you need it to pick up the pace for you. My goal is simply to create a stronger heart which has a quicker recovery time whenever I do strenuous activity. I do believe getting in shape has nothing to do with weight. It has nothing to do with the number on the scale either. When you work out you turn the fat into muscle which weighs more than fat. Sometimes you will gain weight but you will feel better and you will see the difference in your body. For the guys looking to lose 10-20lbs, you might want to take measurements because although the scale may say you are not losing what you want to, your body might just be repositioning your weight. Good luck to all of you!
1 lawn a week with a grass whip should work wonders for your cardio..... You can thank me
Just finished BL on the wii. That manly bitch kicked my ass again, but I still finished. I seriously may puke soon - of course the big dip I put in immediately after my workout probably isn't helping. I figured out this evening what is killing me (besides being obese), it's the fucking yoga they work into the routine. Yoga wasn't meant for fat guys, especially those of my stature. Yoga was meant for skinny soccer moms who drink ice capps and drive small sporty SUVs. Fugg yoga.
Btw, down 8 lbs as of this am (which is my pre-Christmas break weight)
The wife and I are starting the gym on Monday.
I am ready to do this, I am tired of feeling likea slob all the time.