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TOO Weight Loss - Biggest Loser Edition


Staff member
216.5 this morning. Energy levels are great. Mental acuity is on point. The hardest thing with this is discipline. Gotta keep focused on why I'm doing it...


Junior Member
My weight loss has slowed considerably the last two weeks. I haven't any explanation other than my body is fighting it for the time being. I've learned this is pretty normal from time to time.

Total loss: 31 lbs.


Staff member
Nice work John.

I'll weight in again and take measurements on Sunday. One thing is for sure, I feel amazing. I can see the benefits to this way of eating and it's only a matter of time before I break through the 215 plateau.


Junior Member
Nice work John.

I'll weight in again and take measurements on Sunday. One thing is for sure, I feel amazing. I can see the benefits to this way of eating and it's only a matter of time before I break through the 215 plateau.

You'll break it! I swear our bodies resist losing weight. It's got to be an ancient tactic to preserve us in low food situations.


Staff member
Day 14. Still down 10 pounds. Got a much nicer scale and calibrated it, so I really went from 227.5 to 217.5. Good news is I've lose 1.5" around my love handles, 1" off my belt line and 1" around my neck. I'm looking better and feel amazing. The weight will eventually come off, in the mean time, I'm just enjoying the new found energy and focus!


Staff member
Down to 215.5 today, 12 pounds in 17 days. I really believe in this way of eating as it has me feeling great and it's definitely aiding in fat loss.


Staff member
I have essentially completed a different version of the "24-Day Challenge" as I am on Day 25 of the Primal Diet experiment. I'd like to preface the following by saying Advocare works for a lot of people and I do not want to detract from what Mike has going on. Each of us varies in genetic make up, body composition, metabolism, discipline, etc. That said, nothing in the weight loss/nutrition world is for everyone. After comparing these two types of "products" side by side, there is no comparison IMO. The Advocare products still have artificial ingredients, sweeteners and diet plan places a fairly heavy emphasis on carb intake. All of these were counter-intuitive to me, but I gave it a go nonetheless. Admittedly, had I given the Adovcare plan the same dedication I have the Primal Diet, my results may have been better. That said, I love the Primal way of eating!

I'm down to 210 pounds. (This time 2 years ago, I was 240 and miserable.) My body composition is MUCH different. My energy levels are as high as they have ever been and there are no carb crashes. My mental acuity is razor sharp and my mind simply feels more clear. I've only had more than 50 net carbs one time in 24 days and have gotten over the cravings. Overall, I am a much improved person inside and out in just 24 days.

I plan to stick with this April 16. At that point, I will begin to incorporate some whole grains back in to my diet and will stick to a 100-150 net carb per day plan. It will be nice to have some wild rice and beans on occasion, along with potatoes every now and then. I don't see me never eating gluten again, but I certainly will not go back to the Standard American Diet which is as the acronym says, is really SAD. For those of you who are looking to turn things around, I highly recommend buying the Primal Blueprint and giving it a go for your own 24-day Challenge.


Junior Member
46.5 down.

I plan to stay strong this weekend with all the temptations that Easter meals and candies being. Honestly, sweets don't even sound appealing to me right now.


Staff member
I'm soooo close to seeing 2-0-something on the scale! It's been a decade since that's happened. I rejoined Planet Fitness yesterday since working out at home sucks. Plus I wanted to be able to do some of my favorite lifts like squat, deadlift, upright rows on the Smith machine and a few others. I've settled in to this new diet and don't see me going back to my old ways. As good as I feel, I'd be an idiot to do so.
Really great to see you guys getting results. Something's gotta change for me and soon. Seems like everything I eat makes me feel like crap a couple hours after eating and since my days usually go til 6:30-7 at work and then dinner when I get home an hour after that I end up going nuts on over-eating. Carb cravings are at an all time high in the evenings. Just hate this crazy schedule any more.