So far had a couple gobbles from roost. Saw first bird at 6:41. Solitary hen that took a half hour to make her way across the pasture. Cool and clamy this morning.
He tries hard and stays patient, but no luck.
Did a quick setup this morning where I shot my bird on opening morning. Around 6:15 I hear snoring directly behind me. I looked back and theres Joe, all tuckered out from a late night. Shortly after, I did a few soft tree yelps, maybe 10 minutes later I had hens sounding off in front of me. We got into a 15 minute cutting and yelping battle that got a gobbler to sound off in the distance on the other side of the creek. At times he sounded like he was moving in, then other times not. The hens flew down around us, moved off, and payed no attention to my decoys. This area is infested with hens.
Textbook hunt this morning! One went off. I got within 150 yards of the roost and he came down and to me on a rope.
Just sat down to pinch a loaf and hear a thunderous gobble through the open kitchen window. I jumped up and ran to the window and see that old boy in full strut 25 yards from my building. (Still holding the loaf back I mind you!) So I grabbed the Benelli and threw on my boots. I got to the building and was sneaking around the edge when a car stopped and spooked them. (Had a hen with him.) Apparently a dude in boxers and rubber boots holding a shotgun and stalking a turkey at 7:15 in the morning draws attention in these parts. Who knew? I'll kill that bastard before it's all said and done with!!!
Drop your deuce and get your camo on man!
That bird is killable this morning and chances are he won't go too far.