What kinda pizza is that Dave?
What kinda pizza is that Dave?
Southern Louisiana styleWhat kinda pizza is that Dave?
Well....what had happened was...You sure about that?
What are they, Kevin? Poppers?
I was always told, you never take an empty dish back too someone who went out of their way too give you something! Good too see that still happens!Finally made it over to meet our new neighbors. Wanted to give them something so I took them a nice whole blue cat, and a big dressed blue cat. They were more than tickled with with the meat and just kept thanking us. I was gonna be happy to just get my bucket back but these folks went above and beyond.
Came home a short time later to find my "clean" bucket, a big pan of crawfish boil "fresh from Louisiana", and a case of Corona in the carport! Still a lot more good in the world than the media wants us to believe.
Had me as many crawfish as I could hold and a mess of fried blue cat for supper and went to bed a happy man.View attachment 154215View attachment 154216
View attachment 154273she even destemed the mulberries for turnovers!! Gosh these are killer. atta girl.
She started very young and has very good trainers with an aunt and gma. She either wants to bake or read books. Im enjoying it for sure. Mulberry lace twist looking thing or cheese cake is next. Let her surprise me.Your daughter has a passion and a talent. Culinary school would definitely be an option.