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Numbers.. Ohio's 2011-12 White-tailed Deer Season -8%


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
How do we know there was something not healthy about that buck? That buck stood its ground from the beginning..thats odd behavior from the get go...
If the coyotes killed it..there was something wrong with it. The laws of nature.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. In your opinion a 220lb buck or 150lb Ohio doe can fend for themselves the 50-51wks out of the year you are not here. Try living here all year long. Now come to the more open and agricultural areas and watch them. I have seen a big increase in coyotes in the last 2-3 years. I have had a dog attacked by coyotes. I am hearing of more and more people having dogs attacked. One farmer I know found a den. In and around this den he found collars. There were over 30 collars these yotes had gathered or collected. Where we used to hear an occasional coyote or a few of them, now we are consistently hearing groups of them. You have any kids? Let me tell you bubba, if they will attack my 70lb boxer, they will attack my 50-60lb son.



Ok..well.. Did the large herds of deer from the 1990's and 2000's support and increase the coyote population? If so..whats going to happen now? If what created(deer) these large herds of coyotes is now extremly reduced by DOW..Whats going to happen to the present deer herd.? Now..The large populations of coyotes( that are the result of a large deer herd from the past) will now have to hunt harder and more agressively to sustain themselves because there are less deer to support..In which means a greater demand on the deer. The same with human hunters..They will have to hunt harder and more agressively to harvest a deer. And when things get bad hunters become less picky and they probably wont hold out for that mature buck quite as easily as before. Which means less bucks will reach maturity and so ...

The deer herd is dwindling where as the coyote and hunter population is on the increase...Not good for the deer.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I think you would be correct about 10 yrs ago, Mntr... that coyotes only go after the weak. But these days it seems like that has all changed. The coyote population is bigger than it's ever been, so there's a stronger demand for food... A stronger demand equates to more desparate (and more cooperative) measures. Just look at the boom in research studies over the past few years, pointing the fingers at coyotes, and bobcats, and black bears... all over the midwest. The research is showing that these predators, especially coyotes, are taking down a lot more deer than we ever imagined. I'm not convinced (yet) that Ohio's deer herd is in "trouble," but I do think the effects of coyotes on our herd are being underestimated in the present day. If the severity of coyote predation isn't accurately measured, we could be in trouble down the road.



I agree with you. However..The coyotes wont have a major impact if the deer herd is overwhelming. What i mean is..When deer birth its about at the same time..This is a survival trait that is meant to overwhelm the predators. If deer numbers are kept at a number that overwhelms these predators..There shouldnt be an issue. Its only when deer numbers fall below the threshold that overwhelms predators during birthing periods that has horrific effect on fawn kills by predators.

Prey survive birthing periods by overwhelming their predators. Ill say it again..I think its more detrimental for hunters to remove prime aged breeding doe's 3 to 7 years of age form the herd then coyotes removing fawns. DOW has implemented eradication of Ohio's prime breeding Doe's and that my friend is a recipe for disaster.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
How many coyotes have you guys personally killed this year? IF you believe coyotes are detrimental to your deer numbers, then I would think you would spend more time hunting and trapping coyotes than pursuing deer. There seems to be a lot of talk here about wanting to kill coyotes.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
How many coyotes have you guys personally killed this year? IF you believe coyotes are detrimental to your deer numbers, then I would think you would spend more time hunting and trapping coyotes than pursuing deer. There seems to be a lot of talk here about wanting to kill coyotes.

X 2 ~~ If you only get one it's still one!


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Been out several times but being new to yote hunting have yet to be successful at it. Seems to be a big learning curve and not something you can just go out and find wondering around. Doesn't mean they are not there and doesn't mean they aren't doing damage. Just that I suck at yote hunting.



yeah..me too..im clueless about coyote hunting. Heck they are no bigger than a jack russel..Hard to imagine they can cause so much damage like you fellows say.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio

yeah..me too..im clueless about coyote hunting. Heck they are no bigger than a jack russel..Hard to imagine they can cause so much damage like you fellows say.

50# is a big jack...just sayin.

.223 shell laying next to this track

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Grab em by the back legs and slam em to the ground...thatll break their back instantly.

Being a forester, Im always in the woods and i routinely run into agressve dogs..I do pack a .357 but if i didnt id go for their back legs.

heheh..C;mon guys ..your given these mangy little dogs too much hype.


Senior Member

Two of the biggest dogs I have ever gotten pics of. Probably still only 40-45lbs....A 50 lb dog is a really big coyote!!! A lot of people will over estimate their weight...THeir overall fur makes them appear larger than thye are..

Take this dog for example....My lab weighs 80lbs...This dog only weighed about 35-40.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Damn Kaiser.... That is an awesome pic. Two real nice colored Coyotes for Ohio. Even their tails are colored good which is strange from what I see around here.


Junior Member
The woods
I had a random thought regarding the deer hunters surveys. I remember a two or three years ago the division was considering making some changes to their fishing regulations and had a survey on their website and were encouraging anglers to go over and participate in their survey. The survey basically asked what anglers thought about various possible regulation changes, and if the angler would be for or against them. The surveys went well and now we have more sound fishing regulations in many of our lakes (crappie limits and s-eye size limits).

How come if the division was so eager to hear anglers feelings on regulation changes that they would post the survey online available to ANYONE, would they not do this for the deer hunting regulations as well?? Maybe because it is a different person who is in charge of the surveys. Or maybe it is because insurance companies do not have to worry about a fish running out in front of a car, or because fish can not get blamed for destroying any crops. Either way, its just a thought I had. I feel like if I am paying for the paper to print the surveys on, I should at least be invited to take one.

One last thought, and then I am done wasting my time preaching to the choir about deer populations for awhile. I remember last year at the ODNR open house, two of the employees who were trying to convince me that the reason I was not seeing any deer was because of my lack of ability to find deer in years with high mast production also told me that I should put out a trail camera and I would be surprised at all of the deer that were really there. Well, I took their advise and have ran a trail cam almost every day since then.

When I attend the open house this weekend, I am considering bringing in a huge photo album with the 10,000 pictures I have of the same 2 deer that I have gotten pictures of since muzzleloader season.
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Senior Member
Damn Kaiser.... That is an awesome pic. Two real nice colored Coyotes for Ohio. Even their tails are colored good which is strange from what I see around here.

THanks...They were two smart dogs to....I Went out and called them a couple times...The one night I Believe they were coming a car came down the road and seperated us, since htey were staying on the opposite side of the road, and when the car finished passing they shut up and dissapeared

JD Boyd

*Supporting Member*
How many coyotes have you guys personally killed this year? IF you believe coyotes are detrimental to your deer numbers, then I would think you would spend more time hunting and trapping coyotes than pursuing deer. There seems to be a lot of talk here about wanting to kill coyotes.

Three and severely injured two...lol... Shot one yesterday morning at 300 yards in a 30mph wind and he spun around about 8 times and limped off... You'd thought I was uglykat...lol... Now I have something to chase them down and kill em....