Those are some good videos Mike, thanks for getting the excitement up for the coming season. Dang there was some serious feathers flying on those 2 kills!
I was going to post tonight when I got home about calling to a hen.I had a tom a couple years ago, that headed away two mornings I hunted him. The third, I dedcided to call to the boss hen. Had her all pissed off. She ended up bringing him and two jakes out to the field. When he came over to whip up on my strutting decoy, he got his..
:smiley_bril:..I was taught 25 years ago how to run a Box call by an ole timer...This ole timer had turkey feet stapled to his basements walls from end to end..must of been 500 or so...He taught me the basics and I fine tuned it.
The best thing any younger fellow can do is to listen to the ole timers and gather as much info from them as possible..I know..i always did.![]()
If you weren't so full of yourself, I might listen. I have no problem listening to my elders and know all TOO well how valuable the information is that comes from those who have been there and done that. But then again, most elders I know don't pound their own chests like a caged gorilla either...
More classic rewind…the camo should date it.
This is the final few minutes of Gobblemania 1. The bird in the last hunt sorta’ came and went. We had just pulled into a piece of WNF and ran into a couple DOW guys who were on their way out. They said they had raised a couple birds but couldn’t do anything with them.
My partners in the video were my mentors into turkey hunting. The guy on the left, Mike Wren, was killing turkeys back in the early 70’s when only a handful of hunters were successful each year.
Hunting videos have sure come a long way…
Gobblemania......sounds like a good porn movie:smiley_crocodile:
More classic rewind
This is better than any new video
Pride is a deadly sin.:smiley_coolpeace:
We've learned Mountme thinks turkeys are harder to kill on public land and he's the best box call runner in the world. I'm floored to say the least...