Sorry for your loss Ben, it seems like you had a very good run with him in your life..... Doesn't make it any easier though.....
Dropped my checks in the mail. Not liking it at all, but it is done and time to move on. Wonder how many illegal immigrants I was able to support? Wonder how many obama phones I bought? Wonder how much of my money is actually going to be used for something worthwhile? Well, I suppose there is no sense dwelling on it. I have to get up and work in the morning. Nose to the grindstone so i can cover my payroll, insurance, fuel bills, equipment payments, advertising, repairs, buy materials, and of course pay more taxes. Vicious cycle.
Not necessarily a dump post here, but here's what I do. I just pick all the thing I want my money to go toward (military families, ammo for our troops, weapons r&d...etc.) then I decide when I pay all my money that it's going there and not to the useless waste. Someone else is paying for that. My money goes toward the things that are worth it. Am I a bit looney? Yeah, but it helps me not be pissed every time I see thousands and thousands of dollars coming out of my accounts. There, now that was life changing, wasn't it?:smiley_coolpeace: