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The TOO dump thread


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Pulled the lawn mower out to get my grass cut before the next two days of rain and it started smoking and the blades weren't working properly. Went to pull it up he ramps and clean the debris around the top part of the deck and discovered my front left tire was completely flat. Fixed the tire with the Green Slime got it up on the ramps and cleaned off and seen where one pulley bracket was busted off.

Got the Troy Bilt push mower out(<20 hours operated but sat empty the last 4 years) and filled it up with gas and before I could start it he gas started dripping down out of the air filter compartment. Loaded both pieces up and took them to a lawn mower mechanic 10 minutes away.

Got in a hurry and stepped on the short bus(as Beener puts it) and wasn't paying attention and clipped my backup trailer light on a tree back in the woods where I park it. Busted the shit out of it and will need to replace that sometime.

All in all, it's been a wonderful fuggin experience today! Hope it gets better! Lol


Participation Trophy Winner
Had the wife drop the dog off at the groomers to be shaved. She picked him up with what looked like more hair. They fuggin, trimmed around his eyes and shampooed and brushed him out to stand all his hair up. THAT'S not what I ask of them. Needless to say after some words with the manager he god back in Monday to be cut to my liking for free. It's nice but now I have to make another trip. The wife could not understand why I was so pissed.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Pulled the lawn mower out to get my grass cut before the next two days of rain and it started smoking and the blades weren't working properly. Went to pull it up he ramps and clean the debris around the top part of the deck and discovered my front left tire was completely flat. Fixed the tire with the Green Slime got it up on the ramps and cleaned off and seen where one pulley bracket was busted off.

Got the Troy Bilt push mower out(<20 hours operated but sat empty the last 4 years) and filled it up with gas and before I could start it he gas started dripping down out of the air filter compartment. Loaded both pieces up and took them to a lawn mower mechanic 10 minutes away.

Got in a hurry and stepped on the short bus(as Beener puts it) and wasn't paying attention and clipped my backup trailer light on a tree back in the woods where I park it. Busted the shit out of it and will need to replace that sometime.

All in all, it's been a wonderful fuggin experience today! Hope it gets better! Lol

Sounds like you should call it a day Ric!

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Yeah, Oh, I forgot to mention our computer crashed TOO! Think it might be a virus. Our first experience with this.

That sucks Ric, virus/malware can be a real pain in the ass! Let me know if I can help out at all or you have any questions, i'm sure Joe would be more than happy to answer as well.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Friggin' kids are picking at each other. Nephew has flipped his lid again. Only got about half my list finished today. Now I am dressed up to go to a stupid wedding. Wouldn't be so bad if not for being the second wedding of one of my wife's friends. It will truly be a white trash wedding.

Okay. I feel better. I have vented. I am cleaned up. I will be fed. Sometimes weddings make wives horny. I can do this. lmao

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Cracked the clear plastic lid on my pool pump a week or so ago. Figured 20-30 bucks for a new one. 39.99 plus shipping! :smiley_blackeye:



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Pools are a big wet spot in your yard that suck in money.

Damn, and I was leaning towards one next summer. I grew up with one and I remember hearing my dad bitch about "that damn pool" all the time, but I figured it was just him. I swore off of pools because of him, but I also remember being in that thing all the time with my friends. I'm still on the fence.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Damn, and I was leaning towards one next summer. I grew up with one and I remember hearing my dad bitch about "that damn pool" all the time, but I figured it was just him. I swore off of pools because of him, but I also remember being in that thing all the time with my friends. I'm still on the fence.

I'll chip in $10 just to see you know who laying out on your deck everyday! And it aint your cousin!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Well, went out to mow yesterday for a bit before work and two laps in the tie rod end separated. I wired it up hoping to limp through the job until I could order a new one. It made it through the night and headed off to work. This morning I made it home and decided to try and finish it off. Got a few laps in and it fell apart once again. Got pissed and went to bed.

Got up early this afternoon and tracked down a tie rod end and got her back together. Went to start her, and all I got was a click. Pulled the truck over and gave her a jump and she fired right up. Unhooked the cables and she started spitting and sputtering until she died. Tried it a few more times with the same results. Gave up and headed to work an hour early for a meeting.

Tomorrow is my only day off this week, so I've gotta try to get it fixed and get the yard done. I worked the last four nights, and I have to work wednesday-sunday, 12 hour days. Got Monday off, then go back out for three more nights. Bottom line is I gotta get the grass finished, because I'm not gonna have much time over the next week and a half.

Way I've got it figured is it is either the battery or the starter solenoid. I am leaning towards the solenoid. Anyone got any thoughts? Already checked the fuses and they are fine.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Grab a multimeter and check the volts in your battery. If you have 12v or close to it, then it is probably not the battery.

Think simple. Lawn mowers vibrate a lot. Did one of the terminals on the battery loosen up?

If you rule out the battery, you can use a screwdriver or piece of heavy wire and touch it to both sides of the starter where the positive cable from the battery cable attaches and see if you can get the starter to turn it over. If good battery and it starts, then I would be thinking solenoid or possibly just your ignition switch could be bad. Any wires not making good contact on the back of the keyed switch?

If all else fails, and this is confusing to read, give me a text or call. I will try to walk you through some stuff. You have always come across as a handy guy, so I am thinking you have already thought of these things. I am just thinking out loud on some of the first things I would check.

Other thought: It died after you unhooked from truck. Is the alternator charging the battery? If it died after disconnecting from the truck then it could be battery or alternator. I guess throwing the battery on the trickle charger over night might be the first order of business followed by testing the volts on the battery after taking it off the charger.

Does the battery have fluid? Might be a sealed battery you cannot check. Some of them are sealed.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Thanks for the feedback Phil. The charging unit was another thought. Figure I will pull it in the building and work on it tomorrow while it rains. It sat outside last night, so I also wonder if maybe something got wet. Hope it's a simple fix, cause I'm not real electrically enclined.