Well, went out to mow yesterday for a bit before work and two laps in the tie rod end separated. I wired it up hoping to limp through the job until I could order a new one. It made it through the night and headed off to work. This morning I made it home and decided to try and finish it off. Got a few laps in and it fell apart once again. Got pissed and went to bed.
Got up early this afternoon and tracked down a tie rod end and got her back together. Went to start her, and all I got was a click. Pulled the truck over and gave her a jump and she fired right up. Unhooked the cables and she started spitting and sputtering until she died. Tried it a few more times with the same results. Gave up and headed to work an hour early for a meeting.
Tomorrow is my only day off this week, so I've gotta try to get it fixed and get the yard done. I worked the last four nights, and I have to work wednesday-sunday, 12 hour days. Got Monday off, then go back out for three more nights. Bottom line is I gotta get the grass finished, because I'm not gonna have much time over the next week and a half.
Way I've got it figured is it is either the battery or the starter solenoid. I am leaning towards the solenoid. Anyone got any thoughts? Already checked the fuses and they are fine.