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Finelyshedded Turkey 2013 Spring season


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Heading towards the truck! Storm heading right for me. Might go tomorrow...so I might be totally done.

Here's a pic of a neat looking cloud heading my way as I drove home.
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Senior Member
Hudson, OH
Heck Ric, you have hunted hard all season, might as well go out the same way and hit it 1 more time tomorrow. Go set up within 100 yards of where you said they roost. Pick a spot that is directionally where they head each morning.


Coshocton, OH
Good luck man! You've got a long time to rest for deer season. One more day, never know when it can happen. Better to be persistent than good! At least that's what I tell myself. Lol.


Coshocton, OH
Heck Ric, you have hunted hard all season, might as well go out the same way and hit it 1 more time tomorrow. Go set up within 100 yards of where you said they roost. Pick a spot that is directionally where they head each morning.
Great post. I agree with everything but setting up 100 yds away. Get in there super early inside of 50 yds so you can blow his head off when he flys down.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
You aren't fooling anyone. We know you will be out in the morning! Good luck brother! I am giving it one last hoorah in the morning then it is home to work on the garden and hit a piano recital.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Sorry TOOzers, didn't make it out this morning. I must admit I'm a little burned out but that's not what kept me from not going this morning. Pretty danged tired so I slept in and me and the family had the nice breakfast I cooked up. My yard needs mowed...AGAIN and other things done in preparation of next weeks birthday party.

I might go out this late afternoon for one last try but if I don't, I had a very good season anyway. Saw plenty of birds,heard lots of vocalizations,some very close calls that almost sealed the deal,located some better setup spots and enjoyed the chase immensely. I did how ever lose a lot of sleep and feel behind on a few things along the way but nothing TOO bad, just small stuff.

If I go out later I'll post up and update what I see and how things are going. Good luck to everyone hitting it hard today and a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to those you tagged out or killed at least one bird. Ron killing his first Tom with Aaron made my season.

Thanks for all the support,tips and advice and encouragement. I've learned a ton because of all of you and I'm very thankful for it. Thank you all again, Ric.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Had her at 15 yards with a chip shot for that small head. TOO bad she wasn't a male bird. Dang...

Here's a pic of the hen but you can't see her. The suns glare or lighting was to bright. She is only 15 yards away dead center of the pic where the leaf foliage is the least.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Been at it since 6:20 this evening and even if I don't get one its been a great hunt from the get go. I'll post what happened when I get home. I'm down in the creek bottom where they like to roost.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Today was a very full-filling day for me. Slept in and caught up on some sleep. Made a nice big breakfast for my family and just relaxing and spending time with my family before noon was just what I needed. After lunch I mowed and swept our yard then got the weed-eater and leaf blower out and finished up the rest of the yard work. Then I sprayed around the house,patio,garage and porches for bugs to make my 3 women happy.

After this I fired up my grill and grilled some dogs and brats while my wife fixed the other sides and we had a nice supper together. Then my wife asked if I decided if I was going hunting or not. Having such a great productive day yet somewhat relaxing TOO and it being about 6:00 by now I said, why not!

My family wished me luck and I took off like a shot...lol


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Now it's about 6:20 as I'm heading down a path just inside the woods along the tilled up cornfield and I'm about 250 yards from my truck and I hit a spot where the woods dwindles down to a finger that's about 60 yards long before it comes to a wide tractor path connecting two of the 4 fields on this farm. As I turn the corner slowly making sure nothing's out in the field I see two deer standing off to my right looking my way then run down to the far bottom where I wanted to go set up. I was just about to take another step and looked on down along the finger to my left and see a big ole white headed strutting bird just sitting there in the gap at the head of the finger. I believe I said "Oh Sheet"!

I froze then backed up out of his vision. He never saw me as I think he had his attention on something else. I snuck through the finger on a deer path and my suspicions were confirmed when I saw a hen between us about 40 yards away. Well I decided to back on out and headed back up towards my truck about 30 yards to a path I made that leads to the lower part of this field they were in that I could sneak on around them and out in front of them. With sweat just pouring off me I made the 200 yard dash hunkered over like the hunchback of Notre Lame and quickly and quietly looking for a place to set up.

I should have set up where I normally do but I went 50 yards further. Less than 30 minutes later I heard a gobble that sounded like was in their direction and a little closer. A few minutes passed and I glance over to where my normal setup is and not 30 yards out in front of it this Tom was strutting. I couldn't see the hen but forgot all about her. Like a dummy a threw a couple yelps and clucks his way and broke out of his strutting. I thought he was starting to head my way but that fugging hen wasn't going to bringing him on down to me. She took him back the way they came.

IMO, if I would have just went with my initial thought and set up where I normally do I'd have had a great chance to tag out tonight. Secondly, had I just STFU the hen and Tom probably would have came on down towards me anyway cuz they roost behind me anyway.

Oh well, had a great hunt,great day and learned something's tonight.

Thanks again for checking in and offering all the support and advise. I can't wait till next years turkey season but I need to master the mouth reeds and turkey talk before then. Lol


Senior Member
I truly enjoyed reading your posts Ric. You made it seem like we were right there with ya each step of the way. I have to give ya credit bud you really stuck it out and hunted hard all season and I know how hard that is to do working third shift, been there done that. What you have learned from your persistence of getting out there day after day can't be gotten from any book, magazine, or DVD. It will happen for ya and I look forward to reading the post were I can read where it all comes together. Thanks buddy for a very interesting and just all around fun account of your adventures.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Thanks Don!

Here is my last card pull on the last day of turkey season.


Nice doe but she don't look prego though? Actually none of my does on camera do?!?

I left my two TC's up and will change out the batteries soon. I will also add one more camera to the mix and set out salt blocks and swap cards on a monthly basis...if I can wait that long.