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Bonus Weekend


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
I slept in. After sitting most of the day yesterday and not seeing shit, I figured... Fuck it! I guess I'll try this evening. Been frustrating.

Same here Mike. Woke up to the alarm and said, not this morning. Will give it ago this afternoon.

Good luck to everyone getting out today.


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
Saw two does this morning, but no shot. Headed off to drive with the family at my uncles farm. Then we are headed to our farm to still hunt within range of two bedding areas. Gonna sit the last hour. Starting to get frustrated with the lack of deer movement around here...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
Another great morning. I saw a ton of deer of which most walked right under my stand. There were even a few small bucks. I took a shot at a doe at 40 yards, but apparently I gave her a shave job. Please look at the hair and tell me where I hit her. No blood at the point of impact just hair. I found the first several drips of blood 100 yards away and then some under a blow down. No blood after that. I don't think she was hurt bad at all. I've seen more deer in the past two mornings than all of last year!



Senior Member
Hudson, OH
Saw 3 doe this afternoon. Had 2 toms and 2 jakes roost right on top of me as I was about to climb down. Back to the compound for me. Hung a camera on the way in today to see what is running around post gun season.


Senior Member
Does it count if my dad just called me and said there is a skipper buck eating in our orchard :( Not ten steps from where I set my target back - I know I am accurate to that distance off the deck lol. I guess this deer has been going back there every night to scratch through the rotten apple pile (and to put it in prospective, though we have trees in our yard, we're in the corner of a bean field and there's house 'around'...not exactly the middle of the woods). Sounds like I need to put a little corn out there and train him to show up at the end of legal light and sit on the roof!

[I told him to slip the .35 out the window]

Sometimes College sucks :smiley_baby:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Frustrating afternoon. CLimbed into a stand in a prime spot. Saw 6-8 deer 20-30 minutes later. Too bad they weren't on my side of the property line fencerow. Watched them walk south, then back north. Twenty minutes later I hear shooting to the north. 20-30 minutes after that I hear shooting to the west. 20-30 minutes after that I hear shooting to the southwest. Then I hear coon dogs barking on a property to the west of me. Good, they made a loop. Maybe I will get a shot this time? Nope. All I came home with was cold feet. Might just need to throw a feeder out there for muzzle loader season. Get them hanging around a bit more. Kill a doe. Be done. I am not pursuing them with my bow. If I am hunting, it is coyotes now (other than muzzle loader season).


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Seen 3 doe this evening way out of range. I also found a gut pile from somebody shooting the last of the twin BB's this afternoon. They went into town and checked it in and came back this evening :(. The first one was shot a couple days before youth gun and left to rot by the river :tantrum:.

Back to the bow for me. I'm going to start feeder and cams back up on tomorrow.


Senior Member
Ernie, Doesn't GCC have a Christmas break?

Yes, Sam - but it's still finals. I get done Tuesday, home that night. Last year I had a final on the 23rd. So much for being a 'Christian' school...I'll make ML season but missing this extra weekend sucks, freshman year we were done beforehand and I shot a deer the Saturday.


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
Yes, Sam - but it's still finals. I get done Tuesday, home that night. Last year I had a final on the 23rd. So much for being a 'Christian' school...I'll make ML season but missing this extra weekend sucks, freshman year we were done beforehand and I shot a deer the Saturday.

That sucks, my kids were all done with finals last week by the 14th, 3 different schools, OSU, YSU and Carnegie Mellon. They will all be back in school the first week of January, before you though.


Senior Member
That sucks, my kids were all done with finals last week by the 14th, 3 different schools, OSU, YSU and Carnegie Mellon. They will all be back in school the first week of January, before you though.

Yea it's a give and take. If I was in charge, I would start school mid-week after Thanksgiving and still be done before this week, and not go back til after ML week in January!!!

Backyard Deer Update - fuzzy thing is snuggling up with the propane tank in the backyard, a mere 10 yards from my window....dang...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
No deer for me this weekend. Froze my ass off all day yesterday... didn't see anything all morning, but in the afternoon I had 3 come out (2 does and 1 BB). Only problem was, they came out about 10 minutes after legal shooting time. I had big momma in the crosshairs, at 97 yds, contemplating whether I should pull the trigger for about 5 minutes. I decided that I didn't want to be "that guy" that takes a shot 15 minutes after legal, so I packed my stuff and got to steppin. I kept kicking myself all night because the deer hunting has been pretty rough for the last few weeks down there, but I know I did the right thing. I'll get back out there during muzzleloader or with the bow... lots of deer season left. Oh and I spent today sleeping in and sledding with my two nieces. They had a blast!