Team 1 and (whatever team number deerburger is)
First time hunter (of any animal)
Katie works with deerburger and me. She runs our office. Never been hunting at all before and asked in November if we would take her on a turkey hunt. I told her "sure, if you take the hunter safety course and get your license, you got a deal." Well, she did! So, we took her out last Monday morning and sat up in a spot I have killed many turkeys from. On the way out to the blind we heard 2 gobblers sound off about 100 yards away. I, that'd be cool...but figured we wouldn't see anything since that's what happens 50% of the time when I hunt turkeys. Well, we got in the blind at 6:45. Sun was just beginning to break. We decided to wait about 5 minutes to let things settle from our commotion getting in the blind. 2 minutes into our wait, a doe pops out and walks between us and the deek. That was crazy! I never see deer during spring turkey.
The doe passed and walked into the woods behind us. So, I started to call. Immediately both gobblers from our walk in start sounding off. I call again...same result. I call again...only one talking back, but this time it's closer. (We are offcially 8 minutes into her first hunt of anything at this point). It's like a freaking turkey hunting show:smiley_clap: The tom pops out on the other side of the field we are on along with 2 hens. He would have to cross a small ravine to get to us. I said. "When he gets to where he can see that deek he's gonna run down the ravine to come and fight it. When he gets down to where you can't see him, get your gun up and get ready." Well sure enough, like it was a God ordained miracle, he saw the deek, jumped in the ravine, Katie got her gun up and he popped up on our side. He waltzed over to the strutting decoy and started pecking it's head. He danced around and stuck his head out...I whispered, "shoot him" (he's 25 yds out with his head straight out. I look over at the gun barrel and it's waving around like a flag in a hurricane. The shot rings out. The bird drops and flops. Dead bird. Right in the face.
Deerburger and I jumped up and high fived all over the place. She laughed at us once she quit hyperventilating (stan potts style). We walked over and got the bird. It was now 7:04 An awesome morning.
First hunt. 20 minutes. Calling and response. Attack the decoy. Dead bird. Unreal.
Now she thinks it's easy:smiley_crocodile: