As far as turkey hunting goes, my weekend was a bust. I tried an evening hunt on Friday and got poured on by a good ‘ole thunderstorm. I was not dressed for it and was soaked to the bone. I tried to wait things out, but got too cold. Next morning got off to a good start. Up plenty early, winds were calm, and the temps weren’t too bad. However the birds were not cooperating. I did not hear a single gobble or see a single bird. My only entertainment was having another coyote come in on my set up. Fortunately for him, he saw me first. Later in the day Mom and I took the kids on a nature walk. We ended up finding two deer skulls, one doe and one buck that had died after dropping his antlers, another critter skull of some kind, a part of a shed and a few mushrooms. Kids really enjoyed it so that was cool. Sunday hunt was more of the same. The only turkey I saw all weekend was one strutting in a field off of route 70 a mile or so from my mom’s place on my way home.