Won't happen
It makes perfect sense. Still close to home, prestigious, and clearly in need of a coach that can seal the deal on a NC.
Won't happen
Yep...thought that's why he wanted to be done withWhat about his "Health issues"?
What about his "Health issues"?
Who r u..
When you know the crash is going to hit extra hard against the wall. . . You brace yourself for impact and begin explaining why you crashed early. Lol
I disagree. The more I watch, the more I believe this is THE most talent they have had in 20yrs or more. Our last national championship team was talented. They played with tons of heart. They won with heart. Squeaked thru a lot of games to remain undefeated. I don't believe they had this depth of talent. I don't believe they were as complete as this team. This year they have a solid offense, defense, special teams, AND their mindset is perfect. In interviews you hear it. There is a lot of "we need to improve. We are not at our best. We need to clean up some things." I feel they have great confidence on the field. They have a good mindset. I'm not sure if we will see how much heart they have. They may not be in a position this year where they have to dig down deep and pull it out. This is NOT the opinion I had early in the season. I was very uncertain. I didn't think it was real. Felt it was a fluke. Kept waiting on the rug to get pulled out from under me. I honestly think the only team that can beat the Buckeyes this year. . . Is the Buckeyes.
Yes. Talent. Year after year they have talent. I don't think they have had this much talent peeking in one season though. You're talking about talent from different years which hit their peek at different times. Maybe I'll just leave it at "thanks". I could win an argument with my wife easier than with you.![]()
Inspiring talent to peak and work together as a team is a coaches job. The halmark of leadership. My point is I don't think you're seeing better talent, but rather the result of better leadership.
Anyone watch the LSU game yesterday? That’s a prime example of talent that is in need of some coaching. Hot mess trying to watch that game. Tons of talent and no orchestration.Bag on Urban Meyer all you want, but his winning record is undeniable, and he did wonders for a football program on the brink of falling back into mediocrity, like Michigan has in the last 10 years. this isn't just about the head coach. I tend to think this is more about the coaching staff as a whole. I suppose you can win Championships with talent, coaching, discipline, and execution, but not very often. desire and team chemistry are the intangible ingredients that make great teams great.