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2019 Buckeyes Football Thread


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Grove City
What about his "Health issues"?

His health issues seem to mesh closely to having used up his welcome at a given school. It happened at both of his previous stops. I have no doubt he would be on the sideline for OSU this year if he hadn't been suspended last year. He's a proud, stubborn fugger.

He almost signed with Notre Dame back when he took the Florida job. If Brian Kelly finds greener pastures, I can't imagine the Liar wouldn't be on the call list.


Dignitary Member
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Who r u..

I have always called a spade a spade bud. Sometimes people don't like to hear the truth and would rather believe it's hatred than reality. 😉.

I have said for years that Urban was a problem. This is not the most talented them that you guys have had in recent years, there have been better. The difference is they are playing as a team. There's a sense of unity and it shows on the field. It shows in the plays. You can have talent, but if you don't have a team you don't have the magic that it takes to go all the way. They showed that magic today.
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Dignitary Member
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I disagree. The more I watch, the more I believe this is THE most talent they have had in 20yrs or more. Our last national championship team was talented. They played with tons of heart. They won with heart. Squeaked thru a lot of games to remain undefeated. I don't believe they had this depth of talent. I don't believe they were as complete as this team. This year they have a solid offense, defense, special teams, AND their mindset is perfect. In interviews you hear it. There is a lot of "we need to improve. We are not at our best. We need to clean up some things." I feel they have great confidence on the field. They have a good mindset. I'm not sure if we will see how much heart they have. They may not be in a position this year where they have to dig down deep and pull it out. This is NOT the opinion I had early in the season. I was very uncertain. I didn't think it was real. Felt it was a fluke. Kept waiting on the rug to get pulled out from under me. I honestly think the only team that can beat the Buckeyes this year. . . Is the Buckeyes.
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When you know the crash is going to hit extra hard against the wall. . . You brace yourself for impact and begin explaining why you crashed early. Lol

Bama is a great team but not a championship team this year. There are too many gaps in fundimentals, mostly in the second level. Sure they're a dual threat and have some fantastic receivers and running backs but defense behind the front line is sloppy and that is where a championship class opponent will make you pay.

As far as "crashing early". In the last 10 years bama has won more national titles than the buckeyes have in last 58 years. If bama quit playing today, and OSU maintained that streak we'll both be dead and gone by the time OSU even caught up. 😉


Dignitary Member
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I disagree. The more I watch, the more I believe this is THE most talent they have had in 20yrs or more. Our last national championship team was talented. They played with tons of heart. They won with heart. Squeaked thru a lot of games to remain undefeated. I don't believe they had this depth of talent. I don't believe they were as complete as this team. This year they have a solid offense, defense, special teams, AND their mindset is perfect. In interviews you hear it. There is a lot of "we need to improve. We are not at our best. We need to clean up some things." I feel they have great confidence on the field. They have a good mindset. I'm not sure if we will see how much heart they have. They may not be in a position this year where they have to dig down deep and pull it out. This is NOT the opinion I had early in the season. I was very uncertain. I didn't think it was real. Felt it was a fluke. Kept waiting on the rug to get pulled out from under me. I honestly think the only team that can beat the Buckeyes this year. . . Is the Buckeyes.

Rigghhhhttt. All great teams regardless of how good they are say they need to improve. That's the hallmark of creating excellence. A constant drive to be better, because better is never good enough. When a team starts believing they're the best, and have everything figured out, that's when they get their ass handed to them. Sabin calls it "rat poison" when his team starts believing the media hype and buzz about how great they are. It poisons them because they stop striving to achieve. OSU has had better talent across the board. Sure chase is awesome but you've had plenty of awesome players before. Joey Bosa, Zek, Apple, Denzel Ward, Tyquan Lewis, Billy Price, Hawkins, Nick Bosa. And that's just some of the first round picks in the last couple years. The talent was always there, hell, just look at the talent OSU squandered off to LSU. This team however is playing as a team and has the team magic that builds champions.
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Dignitary Member
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Yes. Talent. Year after year they have talent. I don't think they have had this much talent peeking in one season though. You're talking about talent from different years which hit their peek at different times. Maybe I'll just leave it at "thanks". I could win an argument with my wife easier than with you. 🤪🤪🤪
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I saw an article on CBS last night where they quoted Barry Alvarez while in an elevator with Gene Smith after the game last night. "That's the best Buckeye team I've ever seen." per Alvarez, which is lofty praise from a guy that's seen a few good Buckeye teams.

I'm uneasy about the high praise. I think we may have been more talented in 2006, but Tressel-ball killed us. Where we are most certainly more talented than ever before is the secondary. It's the most complete group I can recall and it's a huge relief as fan to see it! And Chase Young might be one of the greatest defensive players we've had, even after two Bosa brothers and a long list of legends.

I don't think we'll win it all, but it's certainly been a great year and for those that were skeptical about the hiring of Ryan Day, me included, I think we can relax. He can stay as long as he likes if this is the product he'll put on the field every Saturday.
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
Yes. Talent. Year after year they have talent. I don't think they have had this much talent peeking in one season though. You're talking about talent from different years which hit their peek at different times. Maybe I'll just leave it at "thanks". I could win an argument with my wife easier than with you. 🤪🤪🤪

Inspiring talent to peak and work together as a team is a coaches job. The halmark of leadership. My point is I don't think you're seeing better talent, but rather the result of better leadership.


Senior Member
Bag on Urban Meyer all you want, but his winning record is undeniable, and he did wonders for a football program on the brink of falling back into mediocrity, like Michigan has in the last 10 years. this isn't just about the head coach. I tend to think this is more about the coaching staff as a whole. I suppose you can win Championships with talent, coaching, discipline, and execution, but not very often. desire and team chemistry are the intangible ingredients that make great teams great.


Cull buck specialist
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Bag on Urban Meyer all you want, but his winning record is undeniable, and he did wonders for a football program on the brink of falling back into mediocrity, like Michigan has in the last 10 years. this isn't just about the head coach. I tend to think this is more about the coaching staff as a whole. I suppose you can win Championships with talent, coaching, discipline, and execution, but not very often. desire and team chemistry are the intangible ingredients that make great teams great.
Anyone watch the LSU game yesterday? That’s a prime example of talent that is in need of some coaching. Hot mess trying to watch that game. Tons of talent and no orchestration.

I do agree with the Myers bashing though. He did a fine job running the football.


Senior Member
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South East Ohio
I watched both the Bucks and the LSU games. Those are two fun teams to watch! LSU was their own worst enemies with all the Peraonal fouls. They better clean it up if they intend on besting Bama.. Burrow got beat up the first half but still found a way to win! The Bucks look like the best team I've seen play this year! It's possible that the Tigers and Bucks will meet in January!!!

Go Bucks!!!!


Staff member

It's not just OSU, it's happened to 'Bama and others. I think the NCAA holds on to things purposefully for times when they can make a splash. It'll be something stupid, like tattoos for swag, and they'll suspend him and ruin the remainder of his college career. Meanwhile, they are making moves to allow athletes to profit off their likeness. The NCAA is a scam.