Well I had to leave soon after my last post for the tree farm to help get a deer. By far the worst recovery I've been involved in every way possible. Deer was all the way down at the bottom of a steep clear cut that was cut about 5 years ago or so so it was dang thick. Got the ATV down there and got him on the back no problem. Start going up the hill and ATV starts smoking good. Drop the deer. Get it on level ground, let it run and fan cool it off. Check coolant reservoir, way below minimum. Shit. Were a mile from a vehicle that might have water in it. I find a gum container in the ATV and fill it with water back at the bottom of the cut where we can find some clear water. Two trips later reservoir is full. I let it cool off and the water warm up for about a half hour before we go again after pulling the deer up to the ATV. Get it on the front. Start her up and go. Feels much better. Other than occasionally the front tires seem to not want to turn and it's in 4wd. Start going up hill, still no problem other than front tires then all the sudden she shuts off. Not smoking or anything but dead. Fan keeps running. I let it run till it says the batteries about dead then fire it up and let her cool before going. Give it gas make it about 20 yards further, dead again. Wait, start, dead in 10. So I kick his deer off and limp it back to my truck and load it up. She runs fine the whole 3/4 mile back. Before I headed back I ask him wth he wants to do cause this drag is gonna kill me and I'm 15 years younger than him and his buddy. He said screw it, tell him to drive my truck out here. You guide him. Uhhhhh are you sure about that, you do recall we rolled a skid steer over the hill 20 feet down the start of the good "trail" theres not been anything but dozers and stuff out here in maybe ever. Sooooo we did it. It was hairy as hell cause it was wet and it's all just clay around here. She ain't gonna look pretty in the morning. It sounded like we put some branches through some doors but there were no holes. Couple lessons here, main one is dont buy a lease vehicle. After about 150 yard uphill drag we got er done and were able to get the truck back out. Buck is pretty nice, has to be 24 inches wide and beams just as long. Not much mass and I'm surprised he even has beams at all left since he was obviously fighting, all scared up and broken brow. Beams had an insane amount of flex to them. Deer is very similar to the one I killed this year.