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  1. matthewusmc8791

    2010-2011 So Ohio Cam Pics

    Here are a few bucks that made it through last years season...Since i only had a few cameras i did miss alot of deer, but this year we have a total of 10 cameras so i think we'll be getting alot more on cam... :) Not to mention i will be in the woods most of October and ALL of November and plan...
  2. Diablo54

    Diablo 2011 Trail cam thread

    http://i835.photobucket.com/albums/zz279/tayman222/PRMS0180.jpg Theres a nice buck in the second pic but i dunno how to crop it and get in on here:smiley_chinrub::smiley_confused_vra
  3. swamp_donkey819

    WTB trail cam needed

    looking for a good trail cam thats digital that i can trade something for or buy, something like a primos or something along those lines.
  4. ohio mossy oak

    Trail cam pic from Loco Ocho Acres

    .These are from my Moultrie D50(i know its cheap)..Taken on the 8.5 acres i hunt behind my house..I call it Loco Ocho Acres(crazy eight)..
  5. Jackalope

    Truth Cam - Battery Pack.

    . Milo wanted me to tell you guys that Primos just came out with an external battery pack for the truth cams. https://shop.primos.com/pc-1439-149-6v-steroid-battery-charger-combo.aspx
  6. Jackalope

    Cam Deal. Would you buy.

    . How many of you would buy this cam if you could get it for $88.79 shipped. It's the same Spypoint i run except in a camo case. 4.0 Megapixel picture quality Very compact (4.5" x 6.8" x 2.8") Removable internal camera for easier handling 35 infrared LED night-time illumination...
  7. bowhunter1023

    Trophy Cam Users

    What models are you running? After checking prices on eBay, I'm thinking I'll roll the Trophy Cam route. I wouldn't mind a little feedback regarding what model you have and any other tips/advice you would have. Do they accommodate a Python Lock?
  8. hickslawns

    trail cam pics

    Here are some off a trail camera I have on one property I hunt. Coyote in the middle of the day which still appeared to be all furred out? I don't like to see that. Doe with only one fawn? Weird. There is a doe on this property that has thrown triplets the last few years. I hope...
  9. jagermeister

    JB's Trail Cam Pics - 2011

    Pulled the card yesterday from the trailcam, which has been set since April 18th, and was pleased to find it loaded with a little over a 1000 pictures. I have it hanging on a small tree facing south, pointing at a salt block and mineral block in the middle of a food plot. This is a really good...
  10. hickslawns

    WTB Camper- to sleep 6

    Looking for a newer camper. Bumper pull or fifth wheel okay. Prefer it to sleep no less than 6. Really don't want a hog of a camper. 25-29' is about all I want. That is plenty big. Slide-outs or none is okay. Tough to find one with slideouts in my price range. We like the ones with rear...
  11. Jackalope

    Check this out! Spypoint's new Wireless cam... Tiny-W

    . OOooooooo...... Ahhhhhhhhhhhh...... Expected for 2011 is a new "Tiny-W" cam from spypoint.. But what makes this unit so cool is it has the ability to wireless copy images to a hidden base unit called a "black box" Talk about a trespasser, thief buster! Size 4.5” x 3.5” x 2.7” Video...
  12. bowhunter1023

    FOR SALE Pair of Primos Truth Cam 35 Cameras

    I figured I would end up doing this after I purchased my first Primos Truth Cam 60, so I guess now is the time to do so! I have two Primos 35 cams that are fully functional I want to sell so I can buy another 60. I would rather sell them as a pair than separately. I won't lie, the cases show...
  13. Mike

    Mike's trailcam pics

    There were about 700 pics for two weeks time. These guys were among many of them and also at least 4 different doe.
  14. Mike

    Went to check the cam

    over my mineral block, which was hit hard for the last month. The cam was still on setup.:smiley_boos::smiley_confused_vra
  15. Huckleberry Finn

    Dog Cam

    I don't know much about waterfowling or hunting with dogs, but this is really, really cool! http://www.youtube.com/user/thesugarhuntingcoat#p/a/u/0/rUzNq3srJYE
  16. ohio mossy oak

    First Trail cam...

    My wife got me my first game cam for christmas 2010.Its not top of the line..An may be a better "feeder cam"Then trail cam.Due to the trigger speed etc..Its a Moultrie D50.5 megpix with flash..But she got it new for like 59$...I put it an some corn out around mid Jan..An left it out til end of...
  17. R

    DEAL 25% off all items at BuckEye Cam store

    Receive 25% off any item in the BEC store (http://shop.buckeyecam.com) when using the coupon code RAMG from now thru the end of March! This would make the Apollo camera: $449.25! The Scent Smoker: $22.46
  18. RedCloud

    BEC Cam shoot dates released today.

    BuckEye Cam Long Range Wireless Camera SystemsGood news! The BuckEye Cam Bow Shoot will again be held at the Cardinal Center in Marengo, OH 7/30/2011. This years event promises to be bigger and better! We are currently seeking entertainment and vendors. Contact Ray O'Lenic at ray@buckeyecam.com...
  19. Milo

    truth cam users..

    found a guy on ebay selling the external power cords for the cams. it will be a cold day in hell before i pay 13 bucks for it though....hell the battery ain't that much. i'm gonna try to find it and order direct because it is surely a supply house item.
  20. Diablo54

    Primos Truth Cam 60

    My Truth cam came in the mail a week ago, although my rechargeable batteries didn't come in until yesterday. I set the cam up behind the house and was happy to see that it was an easy setup. It took a few pictures while I was standing there and sadly "The Clunk" was really noticeable. I went...