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Boarhead's Coyote Snaring 2014


Dignitary Member
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That coon looks a little sleepy Brian. rotflmao Good Job Man!
Thanks Rick.My buddy is welding up my kill poles today so will get them in this weekend to try and prevent some of the chewouts.Going Thursday or Friday to set on my main bowhunting farm where I have seen a lot of tracks and they are hitting a deer carcass.Should be fun.


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securedownload[1] (43).jpgsecuredownload[2] (23).jpgCaught this big male yote this morning and man he was healthy and fat so he has been eating good but that ended today.Wrapped himself up around the tree I was set off of so didn't have to use a 22 .Nice!! Pulled a few snares and will reset them next week and put a few more in on the big farm where I have caught 8 already as I am still seeing fresh yote tracks.


Dignitary Member
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Keep it up buddy. 70 is just a few away.
Thanks DonI am going tomorrow and pulling all the snares where we caught the two at the pond when you came up.I will concentrate on the other side of the farm as seeing more tracks there and think I have put a dent in them at this farm.Going to set on my main bowhunting farm on Thursday so hope I get a few there.For you guys wondering what Don meant by 70 is when I started getting into this snaring yotes I would just do it for a couple weeks in the winter to catch a few and decided to go till the end of February this year I started this year at 53 in the last 5 yrs so was hoping to get to 70 this year and am only 7 away now and wished I didn't have those 3 chew out though.Really is hard to believe how many of these yotes are out there and no wonder our deer numbers are down as you would be surprised how many fawns they kill.One local guy put a camera on a yote den last summer for 5 months and in that time the 2 adult yotes brought in 3 turkeys numerous rabbits, pheasants, chipmunks and 28 fawns.That is just one pair of yotes in 5 months.Hope alot more guys start doing some sort of yote control or we will continue to see our herd decline.I know on our family farm I see a lot fewer yote tracks since I have been snaring them and for the first time in several years I am starting to see the does on our farm with 2 fawns which is awesome.
One local guy put a camera on a yote den last summer for 5 months and in that time the 2 adult yotes brought in 3 turkeys numerous rabbits, pheasants, chipmunks and 28 fawns.That is just one pair of yotes in 5 months.Hope alot more guys start doing some sort of yote control or we will continue to see our herd decline.I know on our family farm I see a lot fewer yote tracks since I have been snaring them and for the first time in several years I am starting to see the does on our farm with 2 fawns which is awesome.

That's a great reminder how much impact those things can have in an area!!


spencerville oh
Thanks DonI am going tomorrow and pulling all the snares where we caught the two at the pond when you came up.I will concentrate on the other side of the farm as seeing more tracks there and think I have put a dent in them at this farm.Going to set on my main bowhunting farm on Thursday so hope I get a few there.For you guys wondering what Don meant by 70 is when I started getting into this snaring yotes I would just do it for a couple weeks in the winter to catch a few and decided to go till the end of February this year I started this year at 53 in the last 5 yrs so was hoping to get to 70 this year and am only 7 away now and wished I didn't have those 3 chew out though.Really is hard to believe how many of these yotes are out there and no wonder our deer numbers are down as you would be surprised how many fawns they kill.One local guy put a camera on a yote den last summer for 5 months and in that time the 2 adult yotes brought in 3 turkeys numerous rabbits, pheasants, chipmunks and 28 fawns.That is just one pair of yotes in 5 months.Hope alot more guys start doing some sort of yote control or we will continue to see our herd decline.I know on our family farm I see a lot fewer yote tracks since I have been snaring them and for the first time in several years I am starting to see the does on our farm with 2 fawns which is awesome.
keep up the good work boarhead. And I know its a lot of work running a big line. As far as helping the deer herd out now until the end of march is the time to get as many coyotes as you can. There is a good chance that if you catch or shoot a female this time of year she is bred. And that means several less coyotes for next year. I maybe wrongs here but most females average 6 to 10 pups a year. That is alot if you think of it. I know the fur goes too hell but if you want to reduce them now until the end of march is the time. Keep up the damn fine work.


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Nothing today and pulled some up so will wait till this next storm gets through and set on the other farm.Still have some out but think I have thinned them down where I am snaring now but will still keep a few out there.Hopefully the next farm will produce like this one has.


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Don't mind snaring in the snow but man this ice sucks.Had to work them all today to get the ice off and only have a few out right now.Going to try and set on the other farm tomorrow or Friday just depends on this weather and may hold off till next week.