well, I've hand sharpened chains, used a cheap guide that you attach to the bar, but they did not work very well. for the amount of time I spent, it just didn't seem to get them sharp like the machine does. I considered buying a sharpener like the professionals use. the kind that looks like a chop saw but employs a grinding wheel instead of a blade. I have enough tools and do enough shit for myself already. I gave up on all of that when I found out that I could get all of my chains sharpened by a pro with good equipment for $5 a piece. now, I do keep the correct files with me when I'm out cutting, but I also have at least one extra (sharp) chain, usually two, at all times. I'm no lumberjack, but when your a long ways from home or even the truck running a saw, it's best to be prepared to run a chain into the dirt once in a while. find yourself a local sharp shop or mom and pop chain saw dealer.