Just loaded her up for the night. She is finishing her 8th season heating our home. Not too bad for $600 Craigslist find.[emoji23]
Not bad at all!!
Just loaded her up for the night. She is finishing her 8th season heating our home. Not too bad for $600 Craigslist find.[emoji23]
I have had one of these for the past two seasons. It completes my 3 saw plan perfectly. And damn powerful to boot. Also has a great warranty. It’s 0.3lbs heavier and 3cc bigger than the juggernaut stihl ms200t. Also the price is nice. Dad has been using the hell out of it cutting beams and other things on his cabin.
are you running a 14" or 16" bar? the one I handled yesterday had a 14" bar on it, and it seemed adequately balanced with the shorter bar. I did like it better than the Stihl. when I buy, it's gonna be the Echo.
The Taylor I have can heat up to 5000 sq ft. and cost us $7500 including installation back in April of 2005 when we finished building our new home and moved in. I’ve ran it every fall/winter but that one year 5-6 years ago when it was in seasonally warm at winter. It’s paid itself off 2-3 times over these last 19 years I’d imagine with the cost of propane(my backup fuel) over that span.How many cords are required to heat during a typical year? I assume it varies with your set-up.
Love my Menards Chad!!! 11% rebates are nice too! Keep us updated on how well that splitter works for you. My neighbor bought his at Home Depot and kept having parts break but thankfully it was before warranty expired and he got his money back. Make sure you use it a lot early so you can do the same.
Pics sent in text.got a picture of that osage tree? if it's bow wood, I'll come for it.