I hang mine from my trailer hitch or use a piece of ceramic tile to sit it on after I dump the coals. Or like I do 95% of the time, I just leave it sitting next to the truck to burn the grass... lmao
Not coming to Lancaster anytimes soon, Corey. Jerron Detty has em in his shop in Chillicothe. That's the closest to you I know of. I will be @ Mom's in Circleville but not till the 17th.
Well my smoker just backfired and burnt hair off the back of my head lol
Santa brought me a smoker for Christmas. TOO bad our deer season is over here in NH. Cant wait to try it out next year!
Getting ready to hunt turkey Saturday morning for youth season and my youngest boy asks, "we smoking up?"
Getting ready to hunt turkey Saturday morning for youth season and my youngest boy asks, "we smoking up?"