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TOO Weight Loss - Biggest Loser Edition

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Have you figured breakfast out yet Jesse? I've found that a Slim Fast shake in the morning is an easy way to get some protein and have a consistent breakfast. I eat a handful of pretzels at 10 and that keeps me going until lunch. I will so though, good for office days, not so much for days in the field, I'm starving by 8 on those days.


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
One day in the can in regards to making solid decisions all around. Jogged a mile tonight while pushing the kid in the stroller. Ate well with the exception of one beer at dinner. Baby steps!

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Good work Jesse. I seem to run better after some beer...

Tonight was my 3rd night out of 4 running 2.3 miles. Legs were feeling it a bit as a result but I was able to post an 8:20 pace. Long way to go to get back where I once was but not a bad start. Just need to string a few more workouts together and I should have this locomotive back on the tracks heading towards success.

Now, as for the diet...had cookie dough cheesecake from Cheesecaje Factory, 6 cups of coffee, 48oz of water, 12oz of beer, stuffed venison peppers....


Staff member
Have you figured breakfast out yet Jesse? I've found that a Slim Fast shake in the morning is an easy way to get some protein and have a consistent breakfast. I eat a handful of pretzels at 10 and that keeps me going until lunch. I will so though, good for office days, not so much for days in the field, I'm starving by 8 on those days.

I'm experimenting with smoothies and juices right now. My plan is to find something I like that I can make conveniently to start every day with.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
I'm experimenting with smoothies and juices right now. My plan is to find something I like that I can make conveniently to start every day with.

Liquid is the way to go...just grab and go. Whatever it is. Looks like I'm getting 180 cal, 9g fat, 15mg cholesterol, 260mg sodium, 600mg potassium, 4g carbs, 2g fiber, and 20g protein.

Water has been helpful too...drink over two liters of water a day...the weekends kill me because I'm drinking less than that in water and it dries me out because my body is used to the extra water.

Not convinced I've lost much weight this much, but have added a little muscle and feel good. The intentional stretching at the gym is keeping my back in line, so that's worth it in itself. Now if I could just figure out the mental energy and motivation part...


Staff member
I want a nutrition laden beverage to kick start me everyday. That'll be key for me without a doubt.

First workout at PF in the books. Really focused on stretching and cardio. Did some me dumbell work to strengthen my shoulder. Spent 10 minutes on the elliptical and kept the heart rate at 160 for 6-7 minutes. Headed off to get breakfast at Bobby E's. Feeling good. Just need to maintain momentum.


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
Corner might be turned....need to string it together next week but tonight was a great step.

930 on a Friday night...sit and drink beer or go run...hit it for an easy paced 3 miles. Makes 4 out of 5 nights and 3 out of the last 3. That's 9.9 miles. I will rest tomorrow but feel with my personality if I hold it together next week, it is on!


Staff member
Beener mentioned this to me and I think it sounds like a good idea since I know there are a few others on here that are in the same boat as he and I. So in an effort to spur each other on, we are going to do a TOO Biggest Loser for the remainder of 2014. We'll do it based on percentage of weight lost. In other words if I'm 200 pounds and I lose 25 pounds, I lost 12.5%. Winner gets a $50 Cabelas gift card and bragging rights! Ready... GO!


I'm 240 right now and that is the heaviest I've ever been. Straight fat fuck. :smiley_blackeye: My goal is to get down to 210 and maintain that level. This will be the 4th time in 10 years I've lost 20-30 pounds. I'm tired of the seesaw action and hope to eliminate that going forward. I'll check in once a week with updates. Today marks Day 1 for me.

Day 1 was more like last Friday. Baseball killed any semblance of a diet, not to mention how much time I was on the road for work. Life is more stable now and I've settled in to a good system on shopping/cooking. I'm at 225 on the home scales right now and 230 at the gym. My 240 number was off the home scales, so I'm going off that so that I don't have to believe I was 245! :smiley_blackeye:

I ate really well and got in a solid hour workout. Focused on stretching, cardio, abs, and getting my shoulders built back up after a long winter of hauling stands/decoy bags, and throwing 400+ pitches a week from Feb-April! I felt pretty good last night when I normally would have been a little run down. I'm attempting to go an entire week with no alcohol. We'll see how that goes.

After a good bit of research, I purchased some high quality Milk Thistle and SelenoExcell. The milk thistle is shown to help liver function by protecting the cells and acting as antioxidant. The SelenoExcell is the most recommended form of selenium via a yeast. It is shown to fight free radicals in the blood/liver, along with many other body parts/functions. I'll be using both for one cycle while I clean up my diet in an effort to cleanse my liver. I watched this presentation the other day and it all made perfect sense to me. I spent some time doing the research and I believe through my other supplements and now these two products, I'll get the same benefit as this other stuff. Should be interesting to see if I experience similar results. Can't hurt to try.



Staff member
Down to 223.5 this morning. Man oh man am I taking some serious, cleansing grumpys right now! My body is cleaning out the pipes! rotflmao


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
Got frustrated and went and got blood drawn for low testosterone. I cant gain any muscle, cant lose weight at all. Doesnt add up. working out 6 days a week, eating right? Cant figure it out.


Staff member
Got frustrated and went and got blood drawn for low testosterone. I cant gain any muscle, cant lose weight at all. Doesnt add up. working out 6 days a week, eating right? Cant figure it out.

I am concerned myself about low T. Right now I am taking Maca Root extract as a supplement. It is a radish like root that grows in Peru.

Maca root helps balance our hormones and due to an over abundance of environmental estrogens, most people's hormones are a bit out of whack. Maca stimulates and nourishes the hypothalamus and pituitary glands which are the "master glands" of the body. These glands actually regulate the other glands, so when in balance they can bring balance to the adrenal, thyroid, pancreas, ovarian and testicular glands.

Instead of providing hormones to the body, maca works as an adaptogen which means that it responds to different bodies' needs individually. If you're producing too much of a particular hormone, maca will regulate the production downward. However, if you're producing too little, it'll regulate the production upward.

Hormones regulate many things including mood, growth, sexual development, and tissue function. Hormones also play a role in many diseases, like cancer and depression.

Maca root has been shown to be beneficial for all sorts of hormonal problems including PMS, menopause, and hot flashes. Maca's also a fertility enhancer and is best known for improving libido and sexual function, especially in men. For this reason, it's earned the nickname "nature's Viagra."

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/027797_maca_root_hormone_balance.html##ixzz33gA85RfQ

My hopes are that this combined with better diet and exercise will ultimately help boost my testosterone production. I have a few symptoms that point to low T, so I will be keeping an eye on those.


Staff member
I love this thing!



Staff member
Cheat day lit my ass on fire. Literally. So much for Mexican on cheat day! rotflmao

I'm back in the saddle today after a fairly decent weekend overall. Weekends are usually the downfall to my healthy eating habits, but I made it a point to make good decisions this weekend. I'm learning to snack on pistachios and bananas, not my favorite things in the world, but much better choices than I normally make.

Overall the guide in this entire process is "Make Better Decisions". I'm trying to steer clear of carbs, highly processed foods, and am working to eliminate as much high fructose corn syrup as I possibly can. I've also watched 8 documentaries on food/food industry/nutrition in the past few weeks trying to educate myself the best I can. So far, I think I've developed a nice little game plan.

We leave for the beach on August 2. My goal is to be 215 by then. I want to be 210 by the start of bow season and set the goal of being at what I see as my healthy weight of 200-205 by July 1 of next year. I haven't seen 205 since 2004!


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
The reason I have a concern about the low t is all the test boosters I have taken in my life as well as steroids. So I dont know if all that messed me up or not. What was really a placebo, what was really a booster. Its hard to say anymore with all the regulations that have been put into place. Only a couple that I have taken really worked. 1-AD, and of course the cypionate. Young and dumb.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Weighed myself this morning and am down 10 lbs since arriving here.... We'll see what it is this time next month....


Staff member
Weighed in at 219 this morning. 21 pounds down, 14 to go. I've had a great week food/nutrition wise. I'll blow that apart Sunday for Father's Day, but it'll be a special cheat day! I haven't been under 220 in 2 years.