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TOO Weight Loss - Biggest Loser Edition


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
I havent weighed myself in a while, but I can tell I am finally starting to slim up. The test is making me feel so much better. Sucks injecting myself once a week, but its been worth it so far. Working out really good in the gym, I just feel alot better all around.


Staff member
Good to hear Wayne!

I was 213.4 this morning which officially moves my BMI from obese to overweight. The BMI thing is kinda jacked up though. Even if I get to 200, which is a great weight for me at 6'1", I would be considered overweight. I don't have a small frame and BMI does not take that in to account. However it is nice not to be obese any more!


Staff member
The rest of you "losers" are awful quiet; how's it going for everyone else?

I was 211 on the button this morning. When I went grocery shopping last week, Kroger had a new mix of greens that includes kale, spinach, chard and mizuna lettuce. If you are looking for something that will clean the pipes out, look for a similar mix for your salads! A tad on the disgusting side I know, but you really feel satisfied after a movement and not miserable like a McDonalds shit makes you feel!

I've been heavy on the fresh fruits and vegetables the past 2 weeks and my energy levels are at all time highs. I have basically eliminated high fructose corn syrup, regular corn syrup, soybean oil, sugar, bad carbs, pop and alcohol from my diet. Much like kicking a habit, this new diet is over the 3 week hump and I've really settled in to something I think I can maintain. My goal was to be 210 by the beach and I have 15 days to get there, so I think I'll be just fine! I have a UA shirt I've been wanting for some time, just hated to drop the $50 on it. Once I get below 210, I'm going to reward myself!


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
Fruit is one thing I would like to start including in my intake. Eating clean SUUUUUCCKSSS!!, I want a double Whopper with chesse and some onion rings so bad right now. I cut out all pop, all fast food, all pasta, breads, sugers, dressings etc. It is def. tough. Problem is, now I think I need to eat alot more, more often.


Staff member
My appetite has decreased drastically, so I don't feel that need thankfully. One thing that helps me is a cheat day. I make damn good use of it and have chosen Sunday as the day. That way I squash some cravings and they don't haunt me all week!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Dieting has become an addiction for me. I sold my size 38 jeans on eBay and don't plan on going back! Got some 34's and am loving the fact I can fit them.

I have been around people eating cake and ice cream, pizza, etc... And have stuck to my guns.
I checked in at 192 this morning, and still hope to get to 190 and keep there. It'll be tough.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Hanging steady between 201-205. After the TOO shoot this weekend, it's time to start working out some and get a "1" as the first number....till then, beer me :)

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Seems like I go a few days in a row doing great, then slide back into my old routine. I have lost a few though since the arrival of the new baby, as I haven't drank beer and ate out nearly as much as I had been. Now that we are in some sort of a routine around the house and back to work, I need to get a plan together and stick to it.


Staff member
Managed to get through vacation without gaining any weight. Staying steady at 212 right now, but my body composition is much different. Last night I happened to take my BP and it was nearly perfect. Three months ago is was high and that was scary since it runs in the family.

I bought a 30lbs kettlebell and these things are awesome! Really think these will help me reach the next goal. Shooting to be 200-205 by Strouds.

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Nice work Jesse!

I'm two weeks in on a consistent diet, as well as started exercising Monday, I'm down 6.5 so far. I'll take it considering the fish fry we had Saturday and all the extra calories that go along with that.

I bought a set of adjustable dumb bells that adjust from 5-52 lbs. I have a weight bench and weights, as well as a treadmill, so I don't have any excuses as to why I can't get a good workout in at the house.

I would like to be down 15-20 by the bow opener, with another 15 or so to go after that.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Hit the 170 mark and still have a month and change too go.... Anything past this is a bonus lol.... But then again no beer or home cooking does that too me lol.....
Congrats too all of you who've worked hard too drop that weight... It isn't easy that's for sure.....


Staff member
Ran 3 miles last night in 25 minutes. My cardio is MUCH better after a couple weeks of kettlebells. Any one looking to shed some pounds should look into these. They'll break you down, but its not hard on your body like heavy weights.

This mornings weigh in was 209.5. That's 30 pounds for the year! Feeling good!
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I'm holding strong at 195. I'm really starting to see results from hitting Planet Fitness 3-4 times a week in the mornings. I'm in the best shape I've been in since I was probably 19 and not yet outta control in college.

I'm seeing some definition in the chest and arms and that makes it very gratifying. So, even though I'm not shedding more weight, I'm adding muscle. And like Wayne said, it weighs more than fat, right? Maybe the added muscle is keeping me from getting down to 190. Or maybe it's the beer on the weekends?? Lol

Either way, I feel like a new man and I love the fact that my xl shirts look way big on me now and Large shirts for much better. Only bad thing is trying to revamp my wardrobe. I had to buy all new dress pants for work because my 38's looked like I took a shit in my pants. All my collared shirts needed down sized as well. Hopefully I never get back in fat clothes.

Keep it going guys!


Staff member
All my cargo shorts fall off my ass and I can take my jeans on/off without unbuttoning. I actually NEED a belt now!

I'm amazed at how much weight I carried in my ass and thighs. Wish I had taken measurements. I still have a good bit of belly fat to fight unfortunately. I'm going to start a round of CLA which has been shown to attack fat storage. Hoping that will get me to my goal.

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
All my cargo shorts fall off my ass and I can take my jeans on/off without unbuttoning. I actually NEED a belt now!

I'm amazed at how much weight I carried in my ass and thighs. Wish I had taken measurements. I still have a good bit of belly fat to fight unfortunately. I'm going to start a round of CLA which has been shown to attack fat storage. Hoping that will get me to my goal.

Jesse, did you get with Mike and try the Advocare 24 day challenge yet? My brother is just getting finished up with it, he hasn't weighed yet but I would guess by looking he dropped a good 15. I'm not taking the cleanse but have taken the Spark, Thermoplus, Omegaplex, and the Meal Replacement shakes off and on over the past 7 or 8 years. Every time I get back on them when I work out, I feel great. I highly recommend the products.

I just started back on them this week, I always forget how good I feel when I'm taking them.


Staff member
I have not, but will. Had to spend my extra $ on another project. Once I have the $, I'm buying the full kit. Based on my research, the AdvoCare has a great foundation and I have no doubt it gets results.