Here's a good example of why I'm committed to doing this the right way. On Sunday we had a family reunion, a boat ride and dinner at a place that offered very little in terms of food approved for me diet. I said "fugg it" and had myself an old school, fat kid cheat day. I was miserable most of the day, slept like shit, weighed in at 203 on Monday morning, a whopping 10 pounds more than I was on Sunday morning. By 9:30 AM Monday, I'd taken a week's worth of grumpies and was really thankful for the lesson. Normally I fast on Monday, but I had a business lunch, so I had a grilled chicken ceasar salad as my only meal, then fasted Tuesday. I worked my ass off at the gym yesterday and weighed in at a new low of 192.0 this morning.
Cheat days for me are needed as much for a reminder of why I don't eat like that any more. It's just not worth it. However when surrounded by fresh baked pies, homemade ice cream and some amazing local pizza, what's a man to do?!? lmao