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TOO Weight Loss - Biggest Loser Edition


SW Ohio
55 lbs is really impressive!

Here's an interesting fact for you, Jesse, if you didn't already know it: For every 1 lb of fat you lose, you also lose 7 miles of blood vessels.

So for you, that's 385 miles of blood vessels your heart doesn't have to worry about pumping blood through now :)

I'll bet your BP went down significantly.


Well I did my powerlifting meet yesterday and it was a lot of fun. I totaled 1395 which is way less than I wanted. I got screwed on a deadlift and I had never used a deadlift bar before so that threw me. But it was a fun day and I met some awesome people. I'm planning on doing another one in April. Unfortunately I pulled a muscle in my back so I need to get that healed up.


Thanks and dang that's a heck of a cut. Squats deads and bench will get you there. I want to compete at 242 so I'm going to start cutting carbs soon. I want to stay around 245 so I have an easy cut for the next competition
I feel you man. Some people don't understand the struggles other people have as far as how your body uses what you put in. Some people can eat whatever they want all day everyday and not gain an ounce. If I hit 2000 calories a day I start gaining. Even with lifting and 4-6 mile jogs. It's all good tho I have learned a lot about discipline. I used to weigh 260. When I was 20 I went through a round of steroid injections for my back and I got out of control. I'm still not where I want to be but by gosh I'm working on it. Good luck man.


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I hear yah on the weight gaining. I gain weight if I think about food. Everyones body is different and reacts differently to diets and workout routines. Congrats on the weight loss and good luck with your goals.


Staff member
Weighed in at 185.0 today. That's my lowest weight since I finished my growth spurt around my 19th birthday. I'm down 55 pounds overall, 42.5 coming since February 22. Feeling great other than needing to buy a new wardrobe!
I failed to update this thread after I hit 180 for a total of 60 pounds of weight lost. My wife said I looked sickly at 180 and I felt weak at that weight, so I've been working hard to put some good weight back on. I'm hovering right around 190 right now and look much better, not to mention I feel strong again. I'm looking to be 190-200 as my final weight after all this. I've modified my diet to include some complex carbs, a quilt pleasure or two, and some intense shakes comprised of organic whey protein, creatine, BCAAs, and a product called Amazing Meal. I mix it all with whole milk and drink one 4-5 times a week. Eating lots of lean protein, including eggs from our chickens at the rate of 4 a day 5-6 days a week. I'm having trouble eating enough to gain more weight, but will make an effort to do so over the winter. I think at 200#s I'll be the best version of me I can be.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Good update brother. I agree... 180 is too small for your frame. I would feel skinny and frail if I was at 180. 190-200 is my sweet spot as well. Lean, yet strong. What's this Amazing Meal stuff all about? I hit the protein shakes, BCAAs, and creatine pretty hard but haven't heard of the AM stuff.


Staff member


Not the best tasting stuff ever made, but it's well worth the nutritional contribution. I mix a half scoop with a full scoop of protein, full scoop of BCAAs, 1K mg of creatine and mix in 12oz. of whole milk. Hershey also has a new syrup out with just 5 ingredients. A tablespoon of it and a teaspoon of organic cacao powder make it taste better. I only add the syrup on days I know I've earned it or will burn it off. It's a nice mental boost for me too.

I'm now taking in 150 carbs a day and feel great. This shake was a killer when I was in ketosis as it was over half of my daily carb intake. Now I can have one and not worry about that impact.


Staff member
It doesn't make a ton of sense, but my mom said dad is the same way at 180: looks sick and felt weak. All it took was 10 pounds and honestly from a physique standpoint, I look about as good build wise as I ever have. I did deep squats 3x8 with 175 and dead lifts 3x8 with 225 as my core exercises with 3 complimentary exercises with each to create 2 circuits yesterday. That's after running a mile and finishing with abs. I crushed the workout. Monday I did chest/shoulders and did it without proper nutrition and felt like a wuss. I've come to view food as fuel and can really tell when I'm failing to fuel up properly now. When I was 230, I had the extra ass to push through stuff. Without that benefit now, I need the proper nutrition. Really puts my food intake in perspective when I contrast this week's workouts.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Great job Jesse!!
I have kept 20 lbs off from the 24 I lost and feel best between 195 and 198.
Had my annual physical and weighed in at 197,high blood pressure runs in our family and mine started rising when I turned 48, now at 53 my pressure was 112/71 at my physical and all my bloodwork was great.
I attribute this to keeping the weight off and getting back to 5 days of lifting light weights and the wife and I walking 3 miles every day and 6 each day on the weekends.
The best part was hearing my doctor say how great the blood pressure was.18 months ago it was 140/89.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
It doesn't make a ton of sense, but my mom said dad is the same way at 180: looks sick and felt weak. All it took was 10 pounds and honestly from a physique standpoint, I look about as good build wise as I ever have. I did deep squats 3x8 with 175 and dead lifts 3x8 with 225 as my core exercises with 3 complimentary exercises with each to create 2 circuits yesterday. That's after running a mile and finishing with abs. I crushed the workout. Monday I did chest/shoulders and did it without proper nutrition and felt like a wuss. I've come to view food as fuel and can really tell when I'm failing to fuel up properly now. When I was 230, I had the extra ass to push through stuff. Without that benefit now, I need the proper nutrition. Really puts my food intake in perspective when I contrast this week's workouts.
Yep, the nutrition intake is huge when it comes to having great vs. sub-par workouts. I usually do ok in the food department... but my Achilles heel is lack of sleep. I just don't get enough of it and I pay the price.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Been awhile since this thread was updated, how yall doing?

208 this AM on my end, wheww whoo! Lol, actually I have been happy to maintain my weight through this summer and fall with the amount of travel I did. I topped out at 217 in September but didnt reach 222 like i swore I never would again. Im going to knock off these last 8lbs before Christmas and see a 1 at the beginning for the first time in 14yrs....as long as Thanksgiving doesnt kick my ass lol.