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TOO Weight Loss - Biggest Loser Edition


I will second the bulletproof coffee! But I will warn you: DO NOT get too far from a shitter after drinking this, especially your first few times!

I have been back on a semi-diligent keto routine for a few weeks, but have really tightened up this week. I have some issues I have been dealing with and a lot of the new science out there indicates gut health is key to curing those types of issues. I started on a heavy regimen of supplements this week to assist with my gut health and have upped my intake of kraut and kimchi. I need to "cleanse" as well, so I added milk thistle and niacin back to my supplement routine for the next 30-45 days.

As for weight, I weighed in a 198.5 this morning. I expect to thin down to 190ish in the next 2-3 weeks and will probably stay there for the rest of the summer. I'm running a 5K on M,W,F and doing kettlebell/body weight work on Tu,Th. With as active as my weekends are, there is really no time off, so I should stay lean without too much difficulty.

Are you really Joe Rogan? You and him are the only ones I know that talk about keto this much haha. Congrats on achieving your goals.


Staff member
Where do you think I got it from? LOL. And it's awesome if you have the discipline to do it. Truly feel like a different human when I'm on point.


It definitely works and I'm planning on hopping back on after my competition. I've been eating like a pig and loving it but need to dial it back after the meet.


Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
Supporting Member
Ended up doing chest, back, shoulders..... push ups and sit ups. No pain no gain


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Ended up doing chest, back, shoulders..... push ups and sit ups. No pain no gain
You're gonna feel that tomorrow. Lol. Nice work!

I recently changed up my lifting routine a bit. Still doing a 4-day split but I isolated the muscle groups a little more on each day, allowing for more rest between workouts. One day is chest and triceps, bench press being the main compound movement. Next day is all legs with squats at the focal point. Then day 3 is shoulders and biceps, with overhead press as the big one. And day 4 is back and traps, utilizing deadlifts and lots of rows and shrug variations. Only a couple weeks in to it but I seem to have more strength than before, likely because of the increased rest. I had been squatting and benching twice a week for both.



Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
Supporting Member
You're gonna feel that tomorrow. Lol. Nice work!

I recently changed up my lifting routine a bit. Still doing a 4-day split but I isolated the muscle groups a little more on each day, allowing for more rest between workouts. One day is chest and triceps, bench press being the main compound movement. Next day is all legs with squats at the focal point. Then day 3 is shoulders and biceps, with overhead press as the big one. And day 4 is back and traps, utilizing deadlifts and lots of rows and shrug variations. Only a couple weeks in to it but I seem to have more strength than before, likely because of the increased rest. I had been squatting and benching twice a week for both.

Yeah i do somewhat like that i do bicep triceps on monday and then Wednesday i do chest and back and friday i do legs.


Staff member

I'm a competitive person by nature and I miss competition. Decided a couple weeks ago I need to beat ass and win some hardware this summer. Never really been a runner and am certainly not built like one, but I think I can hold my own in my age group. Only one way to tell!