Perhaps not the only problem, but a contributing factor for sure!
My BECs were live-loaded to the internet last year. Joe, Jesse, and Milo could see them anytime they wanted to look. Those cameras showed more yotes than deer at times. Showed coyotes actively pursuing deer too. The first camera I put out last year was on a lil burr oak. In the two weeks it was dropping, three deer were chased off in front of the camera with a coyote hot on it's heels. Additionally, those cameras showed an absolute lack of fawns. I had two adult does on the farm all the time...there was one fawn between the two. What happened to the rest of the fawns? This has been the norm over the last several years. Doe family groups no longer have two fawns per doe as they did in years past. I'm sure they still produce them, they are just eaten by the time I am out and about to see them (September).