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TOO Weight Loss - Biggest Loser Edition


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Southeast Ohio
I need to start every day like that! Good healthy grumpy did follow shortly thereafter. Just had a yogurt and an apple. Feeling good!

Speaking of grumpies, I've been dumping at least twice a day since I've got into the new eating routine. I was always a once-a-dayer. It's gotta be the daily oatmeal for breakfast and trail mix, granola bar, or pistachios for a snack.


Staff member
I take a probiotic and it makes me as regular as I have ever been. Occassionally I'll take a second dump, but one first thing after I wake up seems to be tiding me over.


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"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Well I had my 3 month Doctor visit today for my MS and heart. Almost everything is fine but trying to change my medicine to help my muscle spasms.

Anyway I'm down to 228 from 260. It's getting easier to maintain the weight lose. I'm headed towards 200.
Hell I might even be able to use my deer climber stand again. That'll sure make the family stand and take notice. Ya Frank's on a roll. Wish me future luck.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Well I had my 3 month Doctor visit today for my MS and heart. Almost everything is fine but trying to change my medicine to help my muscle spasms.

Anyway I'm down to 228 from 260. It's getting easier to maintain the weight lose. I'm headed towards 200.
Hell I might even be able to use my deer climber stand again. That'll sure make the family stand and take notice. Ya Frank's on a roll. Wish me future luck.

Good luck frank, keep it up!


Staff member
Good to hear Frank! No doubts that weight loss is helping out with your other issues! Keep after it buddy!!!

I fell off the bandwagon last weekend and it cost me 3.5 pounds. I was up to 228.5 on Sunday AM. I was 227.5 this morning after a pretty solid day yesterday. I've been doing a lot research on diets and nutrition these last few weeks and a few of them I have found very beneficial so I wanted to pass it on. IMO anyone looking to improve their diet should what Joe Cross's film The Perfect Human Diet (TPHD) and Hungry for Change. TPHD is a good look at the evolution of humans and our diet. The host is a little rigid and the editing a little rough (obvious voice over), but it really opens your eyes to how things have changed in the last 100,000 years. Hungry for Change is chalk full of information that will blow your mind about the food we're eating. There are TONS of experts on this video and each one is offering very sound science and advice. Well worth the watch.

With baseball in full swing right now, I have a hard time eating correctly because of having no spare time. It is hard for me to grocery shop (I do all of it) and even harder to find time to prep meals. Plus traveling to away games means fast food, so it is a futile attempt to try something as crazy as a 10 day juice fast right now! It gives me times to amass some recipes and get my hands on a juicer. If I like it, I will purchase a good juicer so I can start each day with a juice. I'm willing to give this a shot and if nothing else, I'll know it wasn't a great idea! lmao


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Thanks everyone I'm sure it has helped. Seeing the wedding ring post I have a new weight lose goal.
Loose enough weight to be able to put my wedding ring on for my 50th Anniv. in July. Shooting for it. The dear wife will like that I'm sure. ASAP


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Good to hear Frank! No doubts that weight loss is helping out with your other issues! Keep after it buddy!!!

I fell off the bandwagon last weekend and it cost me 3.5 pounds. I was up to 228.5 on Sunday AM. I was 227.5 this morning after a pretty solid day yesterday. I've been doing a lot research on diets and nutrition these last few weeks and a few of them I have found very beneficial so I wanted to pass it on. IMO anyone looking to improve their diet should what Joe Cross's film The Perfect Human Diet (TPHD) and Hungry for Change. TPHD is a good look at the evolution of humans and our diet. The host is a little rigid and the editing a little rough (obvious voice over), but it really opens your eyes to how things have changed in the last 100,000 years. Hungry for Change is chalk full of information that will blow your mind about the food we're eating. There are TONS of experts on this video and each one is offering very sound science and advice. Well worth the watch.

With baseball in full swing right now, I have a hard time eating correctly because of having no spare time. It is hard for me to grocery shop (I do all of it) and even harder to find time to prep meals. Plus traveling to away games means fast food, so it is a futile attempt to try something as crazy as a 10 day juice fast right now! It gives me times to amass some recipes and get my hands on a juicer. If I like it, I will purchase a good juicer so I can start each day with a juice. I'm willing to give this a shot and if nothing else, I'll know it wasn't a great idea! lmao

The hungry for a change one. Let me guess. Get rid of most of the processed grains. Eat more variety of fresh fruits and vegetables to include nuts, fish, meat etc as we haven't evolved to eat this crap yet.

That my philosophy. It's more of a paleo "diet" if you wanted to label it. Take it back to before man invented cultivated grains and processed foods that have taken over our diets. When we had to hunt, gather, and eat what was available. This caused a huge variety in our diet back then. Today it's mass grains and cultivated vegetables. Most genetically engineered to stay fresher longer, crispier, more colorful etc. all things that add to the market value. While original nutritional value wasn't a concern in their Frankenstein vegetables and fruits. Look at corn. Genetically engineered to be coated in pesticides and herbicides. Fruits picked far before they're ripe and have half the nutrition they should yet engineered to still turn the right color. Early man didn't require 6 servings of vegetables, 5 servings of fruit, 3 servings of grain, blank servings of meat and dairy a day. They ate far less and were way more active. The major reason being most of what they ate was far far more nutritious than what we have mass produced today. Their diet may not have been as balanced. But what they did eat was more nutritious. Take sugar for instance. Jessica likes artificial sweetners as they have no calories. It's hard for me to get her to understand that they're good calories In moderation. Even not in moderation they're far better for you than aspartame. It's actually something your body can process and use. It doesn't have to filter it out as a toxin through your kidneys, liver, or lymphatic system. Let them do their job fighting disease and sickness, not processing ingested chemicals.

Getting back to basics with fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, nuts etc has increased my energy level tremendously. Most days I feel like I drank rocket fuel. The weight loss helps too.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
I've been juicing for abut a year now. I juice to supplement my daily intake of fresh fruits and vegetables. Here's my 2 cents.
Don't mess around, get an Omega masticating juicer and never get a centrifugal juicer. They are wasteful and you will give up on it when your produce bill is more than your normal grocery bill.
I buy enough produce for two juices per week. I usually get about 64 oz. of juice per session and I drink 16 oz. at a time. The juice is good for 36 hours before it looses potency.
Although much of the fiber gets tossed into the compost heap, you do get a good bit of fiber in your juice. The idea of juicing is that you get a rush of high potency nutrients that do amazing things to your body.

Tonight my juice included:
rainbow chard
black kale
green kale
broccoli stems (why pitch them?)
fresh ginger root
yellow pepper

Don't think about it any longer. Go and order one. Charge it if you have to. You won't regret it.


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Staff member
I'm eating like shit right now largely thanks to a hectic schedule that really leaves me no times to prep quality meals. Until baseball is over, I'm just surviving like I know best. However I am fully committed to the 10-day juice fast and experimented with my first juice this weekend. I learned that a little cilantro goes a LONG ways in a juice. I also learned it is a lot of work, but that a tasty concoction is possible. So the goal will be to find 3 recipes I like so that I essentially have breakfast, lunch and dinner. I'll make a batch every other day and I should survive what I think will be an incredibly difficult, but rewarding 10 day cleanse. Assuming we don't play for a state title, I plan to start on June 2nd. There is just no way I can do this until baseball is over.

I also got a gym membership again so I have a place to go blow off some stem. Dug out my old bike this weekend and hope to restore it so I can do a little riding since it is much easier on my legs! I'm fully committed to getting my shit together on the health and diet front, just need to get through these next two months alive!


Senior Member
How much weight have you lost juicing? A friend of a friend began this 2 months ago and went from 46 pants down to 40 so far.

I have found when pressed for time and on the road those McDonalds wraps aren't that bad coupled with a water. Fills the "on the go" meal void.


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
I am up to 203 now. Went to the Dr. Yesterday for the referal for the snip. I Dont feel like I am 200lbs. I feel really good actuially. I am sure once this weather starts breaking and I start running again, I will cut some. I hope!


Dignitary Member
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Gods Country
This week is my first week back at the gym in two weeks. A week off in Jamaica and last week the wife was gone all week so I was playing mister mom.