I need to start every day like that! Good healthy grumpy did follow shortly thereafter. Just had a yogurt and an apple. Feeling good!
I need to start every day like that! Good healthy grumpy did follow shortly thereafter. Just had a yogurt and an apple. Feeling good!
Well I had my 3 month Doctor visit today for my MS and heart. Almost everything is fine but trying to change my medicine to help my muscle spasms.
Anyway I'm down to 228 from 260. It's getting easier to maintain the weight lose. I'm headed towards 200.
Hell I might even be able to use my deer climber stand again. That'll sure make the family stand and take notice. Ya Frank's on a roll. Wish me future luck.
Good to hear Frank! No doubts that weight loss is helping out with your other issues! Keep after it buddy!!!
I fell off the bandwagon last weekend and it cost me 3.5 pounds. I was up to 228.5 on Sunday AM. I was 227.5 this morning after a pretty solid day yesterday. I've been doing a lot research on diets and nutrition these last few weeks and a few of them I have found very beneficial so I wanted to pass it on. IMO anyone looking to improve their diet should what Joe Cross's film The Perfect Human Diet (TPHD) and Hungry for Change. TPHD is a good look at the evolution of humans and our diet. The host is a little rigid and the editing a little rough (obvious voice over), but it really opens your eyes to how things have changed in the last 100,000 years. Hungry for Change is chalk full of information that will blow your mind about the food we're eating. There are TONS of experts on this video and each one is offering very sound science and advice. Well worth the watch.
With baseball in full swing right now, I have a hard time eating correctly because of having no spare time. It is hard for me to grocery shop (I do all of it) and even harder to find time to prep meals. Plus traveling to away games means fast food, so it is a futile attempt to try something as crazy as a 10 day juice fast right now! It gives me times to amass some recipes and get my hands on a juicer. If I like it, I will purchase a good juicer so I can start each day with a juice. I'm willing to give this a shot and if nothing else, I'll know it wasn't a great idea! lmao
I have been kicking ass at the gym and feeling good. Diet is slowly improving.