We have a pet shop in town, has 1 very large basin and 2 smaller ones. Provides the shampoo, towels, has a high volume blow dryer. $6 and this is what we do to bathe ours. No fuss no muss...
We had both dogs out on the pathway that runs along a lake, one of the paths goes down too the water. Our shepherd has been there twice so far, almost got her to go swimming. First time she went halfway up her legs, second time she ran down too fast and skidded half way up her sides deep
she spun around and high tailed it back too my wife
When we left we stopped and bathed them both. Going too try and get them out there 4-5 times
a week for exercising them and us
... Mostly you have the place too yourself and can let em run just not too far from us just in case someone shows up outta nowhere....